Chapter Sixteen: Iara's Secret

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Sophia bowed, dragging Aiden down with her. I stuck my head up defiantly, refusing to bow to such a monster.
A guard swathed in black robes and silver chain mail swam forward. He quickly darted behind me and kicked at the back of my tail, forcing me to the ground. I fell with a slight whimper.
After a few seconds, the siren queen allowed Sophia to rise. She was smiling from ear to ear, an evil joy playing behind her eyes. "I did it, my queen. I captured Britta."
The queen smiled, something that I didn't think was possible on her stony face. It sent waves of cold shuddering through me. "Of course, dear. I had no doubt you would find a way." She turned her eyes on me, an odd expression playing out on her face.
I glared up at her, disgusted.
Sophia turned her attention to Aiden, who was kneeling on the cold floor in chains. "This boy followed Britta when she came after me. I couldn't risk him exposing me to my mother."
Iara nodded, her face once again turning icy. "We have no need for him. Kill him."
     The guards raised their spears. Dread slashed at me from the inside out.
     "Wait! You can't kill him! If you take his life, I will never do what you want!" I screamed. If they hurt him...
     Iara looked from me to Aiden. She gave me that same off expression from before. "Take him to the dungeons. Alive."
     Despite being confused at this change of heart, I wasted no time. I swam after the guard and went to work.
     "Please! You can't!" I pleaded, making a show of it. The guard was looking at my face, distracted. I slipped my hand into several of his pockets in search of a key. If they were taking Aiden to a cell, I had to make sure he got out even if I didn't. Finally, my fingers found a rough skeleton key. I slipped it up my sleeve.
     "Stupid girl!" The guard growled, knocking me on the ground next to Aiden. I tried not to smile triumphantly as I slipped Aiden the key.
     With that, the pair left, the guard's huge body dwarfing Aiden's broken one. I hoped and prayed that nothing else would happen to him.
     Iara sat up on her throne. She opened her mouth to speak. "Advisors and nobles, leave us."
     The crowd of sirens muttered in disagreement, but soon cleared out.
     When the obsidian doors thudded shut, the siren queen slithered off her throne. I stood ridges, daring not to make a move.
     Iara rested a hand on Sophia's shoulder. "You have done well, niece."
     Sophia smirked triumphantly. She'd gotten exactly what she wanted, no matter how sick and twisted that desire was.
     Soon after, Sophia was ordered out of the throne room with the others, an accomplished air surrounding her.
     I was alone with Iara.
     I balled my fists together. "What are you going to do now? Kill me? Kill Aiden once I'm out of the way?"
     Iara shook her head. "I will never hurt you, Britta. You must know that."
     I scoffed. "Really? The ride here wasn't exactly what I'd call "safe"."
     "You must believe me-"
    "Or what? You're not my queen-"
     "And Melusine is?"
     I stood, fuming. "You're not even half of what Melusine is."
     "I'm guessing the palace officials told you that?"
     I opened my mouth to speak, but immediately closed it.
     Iara raised a brow. "Tell me, Britta? Do you know why you were even staying in the palace, why Melusine opened you with such open arms? It certainly was not out of the goodness of her heart. All she ever thinks about is how to regain what she's lost, even if it means taking things."
     I backed up. "You're lying."
     "Oh, I'm the liar? You've spent your entire life wondering why your parents abandoned you, why your stepmother never understood you. Melusine welcoming you into a palace probably seemed like a dream come true. It. Was. A. Lie."
     I was speechless.
     "The reason my sister let you stay with her wasn't for your safety. It was so she could keep you from your destiny."
     "I make my own destiny." I argued, my cheeks flushing a red color.
      Iara laughed sadly. "Britta, dear, your just spinning words that you don't actually believe." She took a breath. "You have a missing mother, you have my powers, you remind everyone you meet of me. I think you know why Melusine held you in that prison."
     I looked at her in horror. "No..."
     Iara rambled on. "Sixteen years ago, Melusine stole something from me that I will never forgive her for. She took it to the mainland to make sure I would never find it, and put a spell on it that would subdue its Mer nature for ten years." She leaned in closer. "She stole you."
     I recoiled in terror. "No... No, that's not true..." But somehow, I knew it was. It all made sense. My unknown parentage, the age I started transforming, my ability to walk on land...
     "Say it, Britta."
     "No, I won't-"
     "Say it!"
     I choked out the words, the world seemingly slowing down.
     "I'm your daughter."

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