Chapter Ninteen: Answers

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When we reached the palace gates, people were gazing out their windows in their nightclothes, their faces contorted with anticipation. Their eyes raked through the crowd. When their eyes rested on me, they narrowed their eyes in disgust.
     The guards led us into the entrance hall, where even more people were gathered. I spotted Ash, who was looking at me in confusion. A few feet away from her was Lord Rancover, his stupid face grinning devilishly, triumphantly. Almost as if getting kidnapped by sirens proved how guilty I was. I met his eyes and sent him a deadly glare.
     The soldiers cut through the crowd and escorted us back to our rooms, where they guarded our doors. I watched as they led Aiden to the north tower, his figure disappearing into the crowd. I paused before heading back to my apartments.
     I swam through the door and fell onto my bed, exhausted. My arms were bruised from where Sophia had dragged me, and my lip was bloody from biting on it. There were a few cuts in my tail as well. I was a mess.
     I went to the bathroom and tended to my wounds, wincing as I put antibacterial liquid on my cuts. Nothing could be done about my  lip or my bruises.
     I looked into the mirror, inspecting myself. I frowned. I looked too much like her. We had the same hair, the same tail coloring, even the same slight nose. The only difference were our eyes. Her's burned dark green while mine were a caramel hazel. My eyes were entirely my own.
     I settled into bed, the softness of the sheets enclosing me in white blankets. The second my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.
     A loud knock sounded from the door, rousing me from my sleep. I slowly untangled myself from the cocoon of blankets I was wrapped in and answered the door. I was met with two guards bursting through the door, followed by the Queen. I self-consciously tucked my wild hair behind one ear and brushed off my night dress.
The Queen entered, her shoulder bandaged from what probably happened after I left. Guilt rose inside of me. I should have stayed and fought, as I apparently had a lot of raw power.
Melusine waved the guards off and approached me. We stared awkwardly at each other for a beat, not knowing quite what to say. What was there to say?
I cleared my throat. "What happened to Iara?"
Melusine looked to her left. "She escaped with some of her followers. I have patrolmen looking for them now."
     I bit my lip and cast my gaze sideways, refusing to meet Melusine's eyes. She settled into a chair in the parlor, her golden fins floating in the water. She gestured for me to do the same.
     She sighed. "You must be so confused."
Confused? What an understatement! I gripped the arms of the chair. "A little."
     " I can't blame you. After all my sister and I have put you through..."
     I pursed my lips. I wanted to tell her that she was not the one to blame, but I couldn't form the words. "I just want to know why you were so accepting to me when I first came here with Taron. Did you know?"
     Melusine shifted in her seat. This had clearly been the question she'd been hoping I wouldn't ask. "I had my suspicions. Your abilities, and just how much you resemble her..." She saw my hurt expression and swallowed. "I was selfish and thought I finally had a chance to regain the sister I lost. But I only put you in danger and lost the daughter I had." Her voice resonated with sorrow.
     "I'm sorry about Soph-"
     The Queen drew a sharp breath. "Don't say her name."
      I closed my mouth, not wanting to reopen festering wounds. I'd been so lost in my own problems that I'd forgotten that Melusine had lost her only family to Iara.
      Melusine straightened herself. "But now Iara knows where you are, and she will not rest until she has you at her side. I can't let that happen." Her eyes glistened with something that I couldn't identify. It was something crossed between concern and...fear.
      "Are you..." I said, hope creeping into my voice.
     Melusine smiled her small smile. "I'm taking you back to your foster mother. The oceans are no longer safe. Iara knows of your existence, and land would be out of her servants' reach."
     My insides felt like they were bursting with butterflies, gratitude filling me. I was going back to Ruby, back to Maine. Back to familiar surroundings and quiet living.
      "Thank you!" I whispered, my voice breathy from my quickening heartbeat. But one thing wasn't right. If I left Cocelia, I left Aiden. A bitter feeling coarser through my body. Even if we had even the tiniest sliver of something before, I had seen how he looked at me when truths were revealed. He was horrified. Maybe it was best for me to leave, to bury everything that had happened here. It would protect me and everyone around me if I tried to erase all connections with the Mer world.
     I sighed and looked up at Melusine. "When do we leave?"

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