Sequel News!!!!

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      Congratulations! You survived the first book. Granted, it had some problems and loose ends, but what are second books for? I've had this series in my mind for a while now, and it feels so good to finally have the first installment finished. *sigh of relief*
     Now on to more writing!
     I've started to write the second book in my series now that my first one is out, and if you thought it was intense in the first one, this is going to blow it out of the water! Here's a sneak peak summary!
     It has been a week since Britta Merritt returned from the mystical underwater nation of Naviana, and things have almost completely gone back to the way they were. Except for one thing: Britta is pining over a boy she knows she can't have, her evil siren of a mother is scouring the oceans to find her, and Ruby can't look her in the eye since discovering her mermaid secret.
So maybe it's more than a few things.
     But things go from bad to worse when Britta learns that many ambassadors from the queen's court have hatched a secret plot to assassinate her. This on top of the constant feeling of insecurity due to Iara is too much. Britta is soon faced with a choice: stay in Hilton Harbor where the ambassadors can't harm her, but Iara could attack at any time...or retreat to the water and live in hiding.
      But if she returns, there is one problem.

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