Chapter 1 - Can't forget

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It was this big party at my best friend’s house Chris at the end of our first study semester. It was in the middle of July, everyone was happy and couldn’t wait for the holidays to begin. Well, it was just a normal house party, people streamed into Chris’s house as soon as the sun was about to set, carrying bottles of alcohol with them, some arrived drunk as hell already and others had red framed eyes, so I could easily tell they had smoked some pot before.

I had stayed at Chris place for a couple of days because we we’re working on some  Comedy-Rap project, well we thought it was cool back then but now I feel like it’s one of the most awkward things I have ever done in my life.

I’ll probably never know why this one night is stuck into my head so badly. I mean, nothing very special happened. I got drunk on a couple of bottles of beer, Chris got high as hell and fucked this one girl he always liked since college. And I… damn I was an awkward shy guy back then. I remember myself walking through the kitchen, grabbing a new bottle of beer, trying to integrate myself into groups of people who talked about stuff that I really didn’t care about, but if I wouldn’t have done that I know I would have kept sitting on the stairways until the early morning hours, watching people come and go, make out, throw up….and most awkwardly I would hear my best friend bang this weird red haired girl for forever.

Well, there was this girl, Anne that seemed to like me. She was following me around that night all the time and I got really annoyed by her. We had made out once at a birthday party of her friend, and since then I felt like she pictured us as something like a couple. “Well just tell her to piss of Ez” Chris once said but damn, I just couldn’t do that. It wasn’t only that I didn’t want to hurt her because she really seemed to like me… wow she was almost fanatic about me ( I still don’t get how someone could like this awkward, shy nerdy boy I was back then ) it was also this fear I had in my mind that she probably would totally freak out and scratch her nails into my face and tear my eyes out or something like that. She was weird as hell, she was a real nut.

But hell, I knew I wouldn’t be able to run away from her forever. After some boring conversation with even more boring people in the kitchen I tried to get into, I found my place at the stairs again. It didn’t take any 5 minutes until Anne showed up with to cups in her hand, handing one towards me. She had her black hair pinned up and wore a tartan skirt with some simple black shirt.

“EZRA,finally I’ve found you, I’ve been looking for you for hours” Anne sat down right next to me, she got as close as possible to me and talked so loud, I felt like she was almost screaming into my ear. “ Umm yeah…Hey” I tried not to sound to repellent and hoped she would think I was just being shy again so I wouldn’t hurt her. “Are you enjoying the party Ezra? How’s your rap thing project going? I bought a new skirt, do you like it?” “Yes Anne…it’s nice. Really”

I couldn’t believe she just wouldn’t notice that I really wasn’t interested in her. She kept talking and talking and I don’t even remember a single thing of what she said. My head was full of messy thoughts about music and how weird I thought people were and I slowly started to feel how hella drunk I was.

Suddenly 2 guys walking towards us and up the stairs caught my attention as one of them said “ Jerry, have you heard it yet? Hannah is going to be here in a while!” “What? Hannah? You mean Hannah Hunt? Man let me tell you something, tonight’s my night. I’ll get her. I’ll make her come with the break of dawn” “Ha-ha, you wish. She’ll be mine tonight”

They were talking about Hannah, a girl from University. She was studying philosophy there, and well… she was that kind of girl everybody liked. The girls wanted to be her friend because she always knew where the coolest parties and other events were, she had a lot of connections to hip people and she herself was by far the coolest of them. And well… the boys all liked her because she was truly one of the most beautiful girls you could get to know around New York. There literally was no boy who didn’t like her. And well… I liked her too. I liked her a lot though I never really talked to her. I wish I would just have had the guts at university to place myself next to her on a table during lunch time and just be like ‘Oh hey Hannah, I’m Ezra” But I sure never had. I was too shy back then and it would’ve been one of the most awkward things to happen if someone would’ve put us into a room alone. I probably would’ve just ended starring at her but not being able to say one damn thing. 

Once Anne heard these two guys talking about Hannah, she looked at me rolling her eyes. “Geez, this damn Hunt girl. I mean… what is it about her that everybody likes so much? She’s pretty yeah but… I mean people are calling her Hunt because she’s a ….. I mean… she gets all the boys she wants and then she just leaves them not caring about them anymore…. How can people not see that?

Anne calling her name tore me out of my daydreaming again. “ Yeah…well.. she… I don’t thing she likes this name herself Anne. But it sounds cool though” Anne’s eyes widened “ Wow does that mean you actually like her?” I blushed as Anne asked me about that, but I tried hard not to let her notice anything “It’s…well I don’t dislike her you know..I think she - ..” My words got cut off by a girl screaming through the room “ Hannah is here ! Hannah Hunt!”

And that’s when someone opened the door and….she walked in. I felt like suddenly everyone in the foyer stopped doing anything for a second. Stopped drinking, talking, thinking, even breathing.

It almost seemed like the time had stopped for the one of a second. Everyone’s attention was given to Hannah. Hannah…. She was wearing a simple tight black dress, her long messy brown hair carrying some flowers and pearls in it covered her shoulders, her tights were ripped on one side and her black flat boots were quiet dirty, but still she looked stunningly beautiful. I wish I could explain what it was that made her so special. It wasn’t only her beauty, there was something else that everyone seemed to get inflected by when she entered a room…..

Her beautiful, pale, soft looking lips formed a smile as she discovered her best friend Suzie in the crowd. “Babe you look beautiful” She screamed over the room. Suzie took Hannah’s hand and then embraced her forcefully. She whispered something in her ear and Hannah smiled even brighter.

Though people had started to talk again and everything seemed like before again, I still felt like time had stopped. I felt like everything around me had faded away, I couldn’t see anything but shadows and I couldn’t hear anything but Hannah’s voice the way I imagined it in my head.

I got awoken from my fascination by some shock floating through me as I felt some liquor land right into my face. “YOU’RE SUCH A DICK EZRA. WHY CAN’T YOU GIVE ME SOME ATTENTION FOR AT LEAST ONE NIGHT?!”

Anne was standing next to me, holding an empty cup in her hand looking disturbed and full of anger.

She must have been talking to me all the time when Hannah entered the room and at some point she had noticed that all my attention was focused on Hannah, not on whatever she was talking about.

Anne just walked off while I was sitting there still,my face and shirt were drowned in liquor, the alcohol was dripping from my hair and I just didn’t care. I just sat there, looking at Hannah, hoping she wouldn’t notice me and how nerdy I was, sitting there and starring like an idiot.

Then Suzie took her hand again and they disappeared.

And this,5 years ago…was the last time I saw her,Hannah.

Hannah Enol.

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