Chapter 3 - Unchanged

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For a second I didn’t know what to say or do as I identified this beautiful face with soft looking lips smiling at me at Hannah “Hunt’s” face. I was shocked about her just coming up to me and laying her arms around me like I was her boyfriend, not only because this was actually the first time ever she talked to me, but because meeting her and feeling her arm around my shoulder made me feel so weird, so incapable, like I was back on college. Usually I wouldn’t care if I’d act like an idiot meeting a girl at a club and she’d think I’m a douchebag cause there  were enough girls around that I could get to.

But now, being next to this beautiful girl that I’ve been thinking about a lot of times back at Univeristy , I felt like any stupid word could make her disappear and I’d end up spending the night alone…and feeling dumb because I would’ve lost her…

Finally, after a few seconds I got myself together again and tried to sound as less nervous as possible.

“Hannah…I…wow I didn’t know you were still in New York, I remember back during the University Years you suddenly.. –“ Hannah cut me off  “Well as you can see I’m still here. And it’s nice to meet Ezra Koenig, the newborn Indie God of New York” I looked away for a second hoping Hannah wouldn’t notice that I had blushed cheeks red like a tomato. I Always appreciated people giving me compliments about the music I was making with Vampire Weekend, but hearing these words coming out of her mouth… though somehow she was a complete stranger… was making me feel incredibly special…and nervous.

“ Well thank you Hannah. It’s good to see you, really. And it’s nice to know you like my music. If you want to you can join me and the band backstage one day and we can…” Suddenly I got cut off again, this time not by Hannah, but by someone grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back.

“Dude, fuck man Ez where the hell have you been? We’ve texted you a hundred times, we’re ready to go since like… one hour. Rotsam invited us to come with him to his house and have a little Private Party” Now Tomson smiled at me and whispered “ We also met some really nice girls and got them to come with us” I laughed silently into myself and felt like it was the first year of starting Vampire Weekend, back then we would always take girls to Rotsams place and have some more alcohol, sometimes weed and well… we’d celebrate.

Tomson suddenly turned over to Hannah and he apparently instantly recognized her. “ Oh my god, Hannah, Hannah Enol! You’re here…that is.. that’s wonderful, nice to see you again”  Tomson gave her a gentle hug and when his back was turned on me and Hannah was forced to look directly in my direction she threw an incredibly beautiful smile at me and I felt some electric shock floating right threw my whole buddy and anxious to smile back… and I’m sure I looked like a 12 year old School kid when I smiled back at her.

I wish I would’ve talked to Hannah more, but Tomson was rushing to get out of the club. “ Comeon Ezra, let’s go the others are already waiting outside. You know Ladies don’t like to wait so we better get out of here” Though I wanted to stay with Hannah really badly, I wouldn’t want to let the boys down since this was supposed to be our night.

“Hannah I’m sorry but I have to leave. It was really nice seeing you again” Hannah looked at me with her big green eyes and it hurt to think about leaving this club without her, not knowing when we’d meet…if we’d actually do… again.

“Ezra, if you wait just one second I’ll be right back” “But I really need to leave, my guys are waiting outside and I…” suddenly Hannah’s face was very close to mine. I shivered as she whispered silently and with a seductive tone into my ear “Just one second”

Then she disappeared to the bathroom.

I waited for some more minutes as she suddenly came back walking towards me. Now she had her hair bound back to a messy pony tail,still wearing the flowers and pearls…and she had put on some dark red lipstick, she now looked even more stunning….

She stopped right next to me, lying her chin down on my left shoulder, then moving her lips towards my ear and whispered again “ I have decided to come with you Mr. Ezra”

I could feel my heart beet faster than ever. This girl hadn’t changed, she still made me as nervous as she did back at University, the only difference now was that she was actually talking to me…and obviously liked being close to me.

Then she just took my hand, smiled at me and we walked out of the club. I couldn’t believe what was going on. She just randomly decided to come over to me, talk to me and make me feel like I was that shy nerdy idiot again. I felt weird and good at the same time, somehow appreciating Hannah being here with me more than I had appreciated a girls presence ever before.

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