Chapter 4 - More than just confusing

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After a 20 minutes ride with the subway we finally made it to Rostams house. All the way Tomson kept throwing weird looks at me hinting at Hannah, THE Hannah Enol from college, walking next to me holding my hand. As if I wasn’t nervous and feeling weird enough already, Tomson obviously had a lot fun making me feel even more unsure.

As we sat down in Rostams great living room and the girls were still outside taking of their shoes I sat over to Tomson and looked at him with a faked angry expression. “ Damn Tomson You need to stop looking like a dick at me, you’re making me feel hella weird and nervous… come on you know I don’t like to feel like College-Ezra” “ College Ezra” Tomson laughed. “ I’m sorry man…it’s just…man you’re hanging with that girl everybody wanted to… well you know everyone used to be in love with like 5 years ago. I remember how you would talk about her in your sleep after we got high once, that was…-“ “ Wait, what , did I actually do that?” If I actually did, then this would be the moment my feeling of being a weird, embarrassing idiot would have reached its peak. Tomson looked at me with a disappointed expression. “ Ok Ez…you actually did not… but.. what the holy hell is going on? Like how did you meet her and how did you get her to come with us?” I raised my shoulders looking confused at Tomson. “ I swear to god I have no idea…”

As the 3 girls the guys had picked up at the club and Hannah walked in Tomson and I all of a sudden got quiet, but still smiling at each other. Hannah sat down next to me and I just felt like she kept staring at me all the time. I tried to act like I didn’t notice it and tried to keep talking with the other girls.

Chris and Rostsam came out of the kitchen handing some drinks out to everyone and then sat down as well. During all the time talking to the guys and these hella drunk and weird girls Hannah sat there next to me, not saying anything…but I felt this weird tension between us. This feeling that we should be alone together. I mean… I just wanted to talk to her, getting to know where she’d been after she wasn’t seen at University again, how life was going, if she was happy, what she was doing for a living…

After sitting there not talking to me for an eternity she got up and asked for someone to show her the bathroom cause she wanted to check if she’d still look alright. ( I wish I would’ve had the guts to say something like ‘ you’re looking more like alright…’ or simply ‘you’re beautiful..’ but of course I hadn’t)

Tomson looked at me raising an eyebrow as I got up to lead her to the bathroom. I put one hand behind my back giving him the middle finger as I walked out of the room.

“Can you wait right here Ezra,I don’t like walking to strange houses alone at night” Hannah looked at me smiling softly before she closed the door of the bathroom. Now I finally made it to smile back without feeling like a jerk. “ Sure I can Hannah”

I now stood there, on Rostams corridor starring at the ceiling, twiddling my thumps. I still was confused about Hannah just simply deciding to come with me tonight, like if there weren’t any better guys around New York. I had no idea about who she was and I just desperately wanted to get to know her.

The Bathroom door opened again. Hannah smiled at me again and I felt insecure about how to talk to her. “ Can we get some fresh air Ezra, I feel a bit dizzy” Suddenly she took my hand waiting for me to lead her to the door or to a window. “ Sure… Rost  has a beautiful balcony”

I lead her through Rots guestroom over to the balcony. For a couple of minutes we just stood there enjoying the silence in this sealed off part of New York, just hearing some cars drive by and seeing the stars in this clear night of October and I smiled to myself as I saw she was still holding my hand. Then I just couldn’t hold it back anymore. I just had to ask her where she’d been these last years of University

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