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hiiiiiii. :) I LOVE YOU ALL. 


✛ Giana's POV ✛

I woke up and felt two arms holding me. I turned around and poke Ashton's cheeks.

"Hey Ash." I poked him and he groaned.

"Poke poke poke poke." I said as I poke his cheek. He is such a heavy sleeper.

"Poke poke poke poke poke poke po--" He slapped my hands and I slapped his face back.

"HEY!!" He touched his cheek.

"Good morning to you too. Now get up and make me breakfast so we could go to school." I command.

"Good morning Brooke. At your service mademoiselle." He stood up and went down.

I took a shower and fuck a pickle! I have nothing to wear. Crisis in life. I wore my undies and searched for something to wear. I give up. I can't find anything. I need help. I went downstairs and looked for Ashton.

"IRWIN!!" I yelled and I went to the kitchen.

"Wha- Woah. I uh. I uh. I made breakfast." He was looking at me then to the floor then to me again.

"What's wrong?" I was confused okay.

"What are you wearing?"

"Well, duhh? Undies."

"Cover yourself for god sake!"

"Ya know there's no difference seeing a girl in a bikini and a girl in her undies. It's the same shit."

"Okay what now?"

"I have nothing to wear to school today." I groaned.

"Maybe you should wear that." He handed me a glass of milk.

"Thanks. Maybe I could. Great Idea! Thanks Irwin!" I went up and heard Ashton yelling my name and following me.

"What Irwin!!"

"I just. I was kidding. Don't wear that!" He pulled me in my dressing room and he searched for nice clothes. I think?

"I'm not stupid you know? Why the fuck would I wear this? I'm too hot for those skanks. I'm sure they will be insecure if they see my body." I laughed. Sense my sarcasm there?

"Yeah." He laughed and handed me a white dress. Or maybe not white maybe cream? I'm not sure.

"No fucking way man. You know I need to cover my scars." I told him God he's such an idiot.

"I know. I didn't tell you that you're not gonna wear a leather jacket. I don't want them too see your flabs." He laughed and I punched him.

"Fuck off. Now get dressed!!" I grabbed my jacket and waited for Ashton to get in the car.

We arrived at school and why is everyone looking at us? Stop looking bitches. Oh now I know. I forgot that there's an asshole beside me. I should look for CC now. I noticed Megan looking at us with a disgusted face. It's not like were together bitch. I turned around and Ashton was gone? I wonder where he is? Oh there he is. Making out with his girlfriends. Ew. Am I jealous? Kinda. It hurts. This sucks. Why am I jealous it's not like a have a crush on him. Or maybe I do? I don't know.

"Why are you staring at them?" I jumped when I heard CC's voice. I was staring at them? Weird.

"Morning. Let's go." I grabbed her hands and went in our class.

Having feelings sucks. I feel like crying. He promised me that he wouldn't leave me. Not a chance Irwin. This what happens when you trust someone easily. Why was I so stupid? No more Ashton at my house. Maybe I could hang out with CC today. I'm so stupid. Who would like me anyway? Why did I believed every word that he said to me? Fuck my life. I need new friends. 

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