Quest (3)

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Thorin p.o.v.

As the meeting commenced. I looked to the Vulcan and every time her face was blank no emotion on her face although her eyes betrayed her a few times she was extremely hard to read. 

"What do you think my dear?" Gandalf asked the Vulcan, after Bilbo passed out, I believe Gandalf called her T'raa.

"This quest seems to have more chance of failing than succeeding. I predict a 76.999% chance of failure. But I do not know that much about Dwarves so, as a friend of mine once said, 'Let us get to it.' " She said her voice was very bland but at the same time beautiful.

"You will not be joining us." I said.

She looked to me completely emotionless and asked, "Would you be so inclined to tell me why you made that decision?"

"Because I said so." I replied.

"That is not an acceptable reason. Please enlighten me on the actual reason." Once again completely emotionless.

"Because you're a woman. You will slow us down and distract my men." I responded.

"I find that answer illogical. I am the same height as you and therefore would keep up very well. Also I studied with the best fighters of my people therefore, I know 600 ways to knock you unconscious in 5 moves or less. Being a woman has nothing to do with my capabilities. As for distracting your men I have no control over what they do or do not do if they become distracted that is their own fault." She said calmly and emotionlessly.

I just stared at her for a moment in utter disbelief. Gandalf and my men looked on in silence waiting my response.

Before I could say anything she continued. "If your reasons are because of morals, emotion or other illogical reasons then I will come with if you wish me to be there or not."

I gritted my teeth before relenting, "Give her a contract."

Balin quickly drew up a contract and handed it to her. She carefully read over it then crossed something out and then signed, giving it back to Balin. He was careful not to touch her hands, remembering what she said about Vulcan hands.

"She crossed out a share of the treasure." Balin said in shock. "Why lass?" He asked.

"I do not need your Gold. I am very well funded therefore it is illogical for me to take your gold."She said.

We all looked at each other then nodded. If she didn't want it we wouldn't force her to take it.

"Everyone, get some sleep. We leave at daybreak." I ordered.

Everyone nodded and left to set up their bedrolls.

I watched as the Vulcan went to leave the house. "Where are you going?"

"I am simply going to get some supplies. I will be back within an hour." She replied..... Then she left.

Damn Women. Damn Vulcan. I grumbled to myself then walked to the living room.

An hour later I started humming staring into the flames of the fireplace remembering why we were all here.

T'raa p.o.v

I wanted to be angry at Thorin but anger was an emotion. After getting a Bedroll and a few other necessities I left back to Bag End.

I heard singing as I approached the Hobbit hole. The Dwarves had beautiful voices. I stopped just inside the door listening to the haunting tune.

And for the first time since landing on the planet I smiled.

************************************************************************(Word Count: 580)

Yes its short but hey at least you got a chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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