First Impressions (1)

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T'raa p.o.v.

I was in a separate ship from my brother and as the red matter ignited my ship was pulled inside before the Romulan ship was. I had sent my brother one transmission right before I slipped through into the Black Hole.

~time skip~

When I woke up the ship seemed to have crashed. I packed a small bag of necessary items of medical supplies, food and clothing....I would have packed a phaser if any of them were still functioning. The few on the ship were damaged beyond use, and I did have my Starfleet hand to hand training to defend myself if necessary. I had no idea where I was and, if Nero was anything to go by then, I couldn't even tell when I was.

I stepped out of the damaged ship and took in my surroundings. I was in a place with flora much like Earth. It was warm, not like Vulcan....Vulcan. Mother. Images replayed in my mind but I remained impassive. I would not emote.

After a few hours of walking I came upon a man dressed in grey robes with a pointy grey hat on his head with grey hair and a grey beard. He had a long stick in his hand. I attempted to continue walking, finding it illogical to talk to a random person, but I stopped. It would be logical to know where I am and, if it be the case, when I am. I turned to the old man in grey.

Gandalf p.o.v

A woman with Black hair and striking blue eyes in strange clothing had walked down the path I had stopped by to rest. She looked me over and seemed to decide to move on but then stopped and turned to me. When she spoke it sounded as if she held no emotion in her voice and her eyes were equally void of emotion.

"Greetings. I am T'raa. Where am I?" She asked.

"I am Gandalf the Grey. You are just west of Rivendell the Elf city." I answered.

Her face remained blank but she looked to be thinking so I stayed quiet.

"I do not know what that means." She stated.

"Come on. I'll show you." I stood up and started walking the direction she was headed in the first place. After a few hours of silent walking I looked over to see her pointed ears. "Are you an Elf?" I asked.

"No." She answered.

"Hmm." I mused. "Most peculiar."

When we reached Rivendell it was almost dark. I was glad we got here without any incidents.

When we were greeted by Lord Elrond she copied my respectful gestures towards the Elf Lord.

"Mellon. This is T'raa I found her on the road west of here. She does not seem to know much of Middle-Earth." I spoke to Lord Elrond.

"Mithrandir, It is good to see you. Is she an Elf?" He asked me.

"No." I replied.

He turned to T'raa who had her eyebrow raised with a curious look on her face the only emotion I've seen her express in the few short hours we had spent together. "T'raa, I am Lord Elrond. You are welcome here. You may stay if you wish."

"Is there anything to read?" She asked once again sounding emotionless.

"Yes." He replied.

"The most logical course of action would be to stay here and learn anything and everything I can so I can better understand where I am." She said. "So I will stay."

"Lindir will show you to a room." Lord Elrond said motioning for said Elf to do what he said he'd do.

T'raa nodded and followed the Elf, she stopped before leaving the room and turned back to the Elf-Lord looking indecisive. "Thank you." She finally said before leaving.

"She will an safe here Mithrandir. You may visit of you wish, or you can head off again." Lord Elrond said to me.

"It is best I get back to what I was doing before she stumbled upon me." I said. We hugged and I headed off. Such a strange woman.

~Time skip (5 years)~

T'raa p.o.v.

When I had come to Rivendell it took me a while to trust these Elves is what they called themselves. They were about two feet taller than I, I being a foot and two inches shorter than Spock, they would be taller than Spock. When I had fully trusted them I told them about what I was and while teaching them about Vulcans and my culture they taught me about Elves and their culture. Elves weren't fond of physical contact unless among family, very close friends or married couples. Which was good as I didn't want anyone to accidentally touch my hands. When the Elves learned of the sensitivity of Vulcan hands they made an effort to keep their hands out of view if possible, and when not possible they kept them away from me.

I learned about all the different species of Middle-Earth and I learned different dialects of Elvish.

I was reading in the library when Gandalf showed up. "Hello." he greeted me.

"Hello." I replied back.

"I have a proposition for you." He said.

This caught my interest but I didn't let it show on my face. "Go on."

"Its about a quest-"

************************************************************************(Word Count: 897)

Ok first actual chapter out! Bo-yah!

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