Not a story, yet imporant! :')

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And HE placed between affection and mercy.

[Ar- Room V.21]

For the Brothers:

Narrated from 'Abdullah bin 'Amr
The Prophet (pbuh) said:

The best of you are those who are best to their womenfolk.‏
Sunan Ibn Majah 1978.

For the Sisters:

The Prophet (pbuh) said:

When a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month (Ramadan), guards her chastity, and
obeys her husband, then it will be said to her:
Enter Paradise from whichever gate you wish.
Musnad Ahmad 1664.

You and I become better Muslims by uplifting each other and treating our Spouse the BEST.
The key to our Akhirah are our better Halves, so won't we treat them well?

O Allah
Grant us pious Spouse and make us the best amongst the Men and Women of our Ummah.

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