The Red String (Nerrison) Part 1

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[A/N] This is a headcanon about Harrison's brother never disappeared, so i hope you enjoy!


I've never had any friends at elementary, they always say i'm abnormal and stuff, they freaked out and told the teacher everytime i showed them a magic trick, they thought i was a freak, they always chanted at me 'Witchcraft' or 'Demon', but that all stopped in High School......

One night, i woke up because i couldn't sleep, i went to the kitchen, then something appeared.... a red string. No one has ever mentioned the red string theory to me, i didn't think it was true.

I beamed up

And for that first time in forever, i slept with a big smile on my face

The next day, everyone looked at me, the chanting stopped, the bullying stopped. Just for that one thing.... a red string

I never knew a red string could do this much work

But my curiosity overflowed me about that one question

Who was my soulmate?

That question replayed in my head over and over again

And one day, a person texted me
I never knew this girl, but she says she likes the magic that i post....on instagram

She was a girl named Nerrie
But she preferred Nerris more

We texted for a few months, getting to know eachother

We skyped a few times, i asked everytime we skyped 'Do you want to meet up at somewhere?'

She often rejects, she's a shy person really, she told me she's been bullied too, because of the things she like, and the clothes she wear, heck... even they were bullying her because of her attitude! That's what caused her low self esteem

I was really heartbroken about this, she didn't deserve this much hate, i assured her if i met up with her, i wouldn't judge her. But honestly, i think she's a cute girl....

"Harrison! Time for dinner!"

My mind paused as i hear my mom shrieked.

I was too focused on my thoughts i forgot it was 6 PM

My stomach grumbled for food, and for that, i walked down the stairs seeing my little brother,Evan being picky about his food....again, my dad who is reading a newspaper, and my mom....who's smiling happily

"Harrison darling, what took you so long?" My mom asked

"Uhh i-i was cleaning my r-room!" I stuttered as i blushed

"He's thinking about the red string again" Evan rolled his eyes. Ugh

"Oh?" My dad asked, still looking at the newspaper

"Oh sweetie don't worry,i'm sure we'll find the lucky girl!" My mom reassured me

"M-mom!" I blushed harder as i took my seat at started eating my food

The clock pointed at the number 8
We sure ate really slow

A bell ranged me.
It was my phone.

i was walking upstairs to my room, while opening my phone

I checked my phone, it was a message from Nerrie!


Nerrie : Hey Harrison? I was wondering if we can.... meet up at a cafe?

I beamed up

Oh sure! But when and what cafe? : Harrison

Nerrie : This saturday, at the Felix Felicis.Co

Did i mention she was a Harry Potter fanatic too? She was a Gryffindor, while i was a Hufflepuff, don't worry... i took that quiz
But hell! I'm actually meeting the person, and for 6 months i've been waiting to see her!
I've kinda forgotten about the Red String thing, but hey! I'm gonna meet a girl!

I rushed downstairs

"Mom! Mom!" I screamed

"What? What?!" My mom screamed

"MOM you gotta let me go to a cafe this Saturday" i begged

"What's in it for me?" My mom smirked.

I sighed

"I'll buy you mangos"

"DEAL!!!" my mom shrieked

For some reason my mom is addicted to mangos..

I was super excited, but something bore me

Tomorrow there's a test

And that test... is algebra

Oh god i hate algebra.

But i already learned all those shit so yeah,free time for moi... i need my beauty sleep

I swung my body to the comfy bed and drifted to sleep


I was so excited that my mom and dad was confused

" Uh, Nerrie sweetie? What's uh.... wrong?" My dad asked

"Dad, can i borrow the your bycicle for a while? It's urgent"

"I mean i wanna borrow it this Saturday... please?"

I made the pouty face, god i hate that pouty face

"Okay then, but promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay?"

"I WILL,LOVE YA DAD" i hugged him


(Still in Nerris' POV)

I got ready in my clothes , which is the 9 and 3 quarters shirt. I putted on my jeans and my sneakers. I borrowed my dad's bycicle 2 days ago so i'm kinda safe.

"Safe travels!" My mom said while she kissed me on the cheek

"I will!" I said pedalling off to the cafe

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