I Miss You (Jaspvid)

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I stayed outside while Gwen goes back to sleep in her cabin. I watched the fire burn and burn, thinking about a friend of mine. I walked to Gwen's cabin to check if she's asleep
"Thank gosh...." i whispered
I slowly closed the door to make sure she's not awake and went to my cabin

I went to my couch and watched Bob Ross, his soothing voice relaxed me and made me fell asleep

And at that moment, i felt like i was falling. I was in my bed, for sure. But i was surrounded by nothing. I felt like i was falling in a endless hole of nothingness. I closed my eyes, hoping i would wake up. But i was wrong, i saw my own body, sleeping in my very bed. I was creeped out

But i saw a white figure beside me

The figure looked familiar

It's almost like....i know it...

I tried to jog my mind. But no name came up, i tried to look closer for details

Then a sudden realization hit my head


[A/N] Wohooo! Cliff hanger!

Also here' the Jaspvid chapter!sorry if this is too short, i'm sleepy af.Hope chu like it! Keep em coming with em' requests!

-Grace ♡

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