I Remember.... (Gwenvid)

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[A/N] Headcanon time! Max's parents are not abusive, but they're quite busy, got the idea from amino! So enjoy!

●No one's POV●

Camp Campbell was shut down

All of the campers already packed up their luggages, ready to leave

Some of them are exhanging phone numbers, some are....slightly crying?

In whatever case they're in, David is the only one who took this really hard, he was crying nonstop

Gwen though... was worried that she couldn't get any other job than being a counselor, she was worrying all the time

30 minutes passed by, half of the campers are already picked up by their parents. 1 hour passes, 1 camper is still remaining

David already calmed down by eating chocolate ice cream, Gwen calmed by....reading fanfiction about vampire romace...

Max? What the hell are you still doing here kid?" Gwen asked the ten year old

"Uh, what do you think i was doing, Sherlock? I'm waiting for my dumbass parents" he replied  sarcastically

"Hey! Langu-"

"Shut the fuck up, David"

Gwen and David exchange faces then looks around the camp

"Where even IS your parents?" David asked confused

"How am i supposed to fucking kno-"

A car stops by, cutting off Max

"We are so sorry we're late, We had family bussiness before we got here" Max's mother explained

"same old story...." Max mumbled under his breath

"Oh! that's really alright, Mrs...?"

"Mrs. Sharma" She replied

"It's ok, Mrs Sharma..." Gwen said to Max's mother

"Let's go hun" Max's mother reaches for his hand, not surprisingly, he accepted her hand and got in the car

5 minutes later, a taxi cab pulled by

"That's my ride" Gwen said to David, as she puts her luggage, she asked David for a ride, David refused the offer. Surprisingly, Gwen kissed his cheek then waved him goodbye

Gwen was in a rush, so David was lucky enough she didn't see him blush

10 years later


I was driving from work, it was almost 7 PM, so i had to ruh to the market to buy some ingredients for dinner. I went in with my shopping bags, ran to the vegetable section. Unfortunately, i bumped some woman, possibly the same age as me. "Oh gosh darnit! I'm so sorry" i apologized, "Uh, it's okay..." she replied. I got a close look at her and saw the resemblance... "Wait a minute.....Gwen?"

"Uh, yeah that's m- David?!" the woman replied

I gasped "LOOK AT YOU!" i screamed

"shhhh David not so loud" she sushed me while giggling

"Oh, uh sorry..." i apologized again

"No worries"

"I still can't believe i'd ever see you again!" I said happily "Honestly... me too" Gwen replied

He got a better look at her again "Why are you wearing fancy clothes?" i asked

"Oh! I finally got a fucking job! Can you believe it?"

"I diddly doo can!" i replied "Wow, you're still innocent huh?"

"YUP!" i said proudly

she scoffed "Hey, do you maybe want to go to my apartment today?"


Gwen can't stop snickering at my attitude "alright alright calm down geez..."

"Oops, sorry..."

"Just help me get this stuff" She handed me her shopping list

"Okie doki!"

Skip when they arrived at her apartment because i'm a lazy shit

Me and Gwen put our groceries on the table, she made eggs for dinner. I was really damn hungry, but i didn't really feel grouchy towards her. When i sat down next to Gwen, i feel this really... weird feeling inside me, but i ignored it and continued watching TV


Oh god, at this moment i knew.... i love  him. my mind paced all the time saying "What if he doesn't like me?" or "What if he's already dating" Oh god oh god oh g-


i jumped a litte bit "Y-yes?"

"I have to tell you something....."


"Uhm.....yes David? What is i-"

"I like you" he cuts me off

i was blushing like crazy

"I-i have to tell you something too...."

Before he can reply, i kissed him right on the spot

Surprisingly, he kissed me back!


I put my hands on his cheeks and we brokethe kiss, panting

"I love you too"

he blushed and kissed me again

This time, it lasted 10 seconds

"C-can i stay at your apartment tonight?" He asked me

"Of course" I smiled at him

We eventually got tired of the TV and fell asleep

The morning aftr, we didn't realized we were cuddling last night

[A/N] aYOOOOOO finally published another oneshot! i know i'm sorry for not posting so long, i was so fed up with school and shoit, anyways, i have a new Nerrison One shot book! feel free to leave requests! Thanks for reading lmao

- Grace 🍍

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