The Red String (Nerrison) Part 2

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I pedalled as fast as i can...... hah just kidding, i'm a piece of shit to do that

i pedalled to the cafe as early as i can.... because i really love that place

When i arrived, i beamed up at the place

Even though, i've been to this place so many times... it's still magical

i saw the clock "It's 1 PM"

I rushed to the counter

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

"One butterbeer with chocolate frogs please!"

"Alright, one butterbeer and chocolate frogs.... that'll be $3"

I ook out y wallet nd paid the lady in the counter

"Alright, you can wait over there" she points to the waiting section"

"Thank you" i replied

i went to the section, there was 2 people there, i didn't care about it much

5 minutes later

"One butterbeer and chocolate frogs!" One worker called out

"Over here!" i called at him

He hands the butterbeer and one little bowl of chocolate frogs to me

"Thank you" i thanked the worker

i looked around to find a place to sit down, i saw a table for two outside and i kinda blushed at a tABLE

I sat down and ate a little bit the chocolate frogs

My phone ringed

It's Harrison!


Harrison : Hey, are u already there??

Yeh, where are you? : Nerris

Harrison : i'm otw, just wait for me, kay?

Alright ;) : Nerris

10 minutes later, i heard the bell in the store rang, and saw Harrison,i waved and caught his attention


I arrived and waved goodbye to my mother, then i walked in the cafe

"Wow..." i beamed at the cafe, it was amazing

i get interrupted by Nerris waving to me from afar

i beamed even more

i ran to her and hugged her

"Jesus! It's so good to finally meet you!" i said happily

"Pfft yeah! oh god you don't know how long i've been waiting" she complained a little bit while breaking the hug and sat down. I giggled

"I already ordered butterbeer and chocolate frogs, go buy a drink or something"


"I'm back!" I said happily skipping to her table

"What did you order?" She asked


She blushed a little bit, but i quite ignored that

When i took my first sip, it tastes like vanilla and...... oreos?

"Damn, this drink isn't that great as the movie"

"Silly, the thing you taste is something that reminds you of something you find most atrractive" She explained

"Oh...oHHHHHH" i finally blush

"wait.... Do you like oreos?" I asked

She nods

My jaw dropped "What the hell is this witchcraft?" i look confusedly at the drink

She giggled "Dude, it's probably just the flavour, ya know, everyone likes oreos"

"Oh yeah" i replied, dumbfounded

She giggled again "Why are we talking about amortentia again?"

"I have no absolute idea"

We talked and laughed for a long time, we soon realized it's almost 4 PM

"Jesus! We've been here that long?" Nerri said in awe

"I can't believe it either" I said snickering at her

"Do you want to wait for our parents outside?" She asked

"Be my guest" i had a smug face at her blushing face, did i mention that i bowed down

●No one's POV●

"W-whatever" she punched Harrison's shoulder while he screamed "Ow!" but at the same time laughing

"Your so adorable..." Harrison while realizing what he said

"W-what was that?" Nerris asked

"N-N-Nothing!!" Harrison said embarassingly while covering his mouth

"...Harrison? I have something for you before we leave" she said as her parents car is getting closer

"What is i-" Harrison got cut off as Nerris kissed him on the cheek

"I-i-i-" Harrison stuttered

Harrison haven't get a chance to talk to her more as she was picked up by her parents

"See ya" She winked

"b-b-bye!" He stuttered more as he blushed even harder





"AAAAAA" I screamed in my thoughts

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