Chapter 8

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"So you picked Halimat? Her best friend?", I gasp shockingly at my parents who look at each other then at me. 

"Her parents are good friends of your baba, they are looking for a groom for her and they think you would be perfect for her", mama says.

"And what did she say?", I ask confused about all this. 

"What any other good child would say, she agreed to whatever her parents want and whoever they want her to marry, we're just waiting for your consent now", baba says.

"Is this what you and mama want?". 

"Yes beta please", mama begs with a sad look. 

Ever since the whole me and Nafisat's situation, everyone has been talking about it. In fact nude pictures of her had been going around everybody's phone. It's been a big disappointment to both her and us. Everyone always had a comment to pass around to my parents, Malik and even me. I haven't heard from her for two weeks now.

"But they want the wedding done this Friday because her parents have to go for an important business trip on Saturday so they want something simple", mama says.

"Good choice. If its what you want then i'll marry her", I nod then get up and pick up my phone. 

I'd be lying if I said I do not miss Nafisat. I feel drained without her sleeping next to me, bringing me breakfast in the morning, teaching me her culture and language. I miss her more than anything but I just have to let her go. 

"Shaby",baba says making me stop and turn to him. 

"You can go ahead with divorcing Nafisat after the wedding. It's only right then", he says. 

I nod then walk up the stairs to my room. 



You're marrying Shaby? Halimat you're marrying your best friend's husband", i yell furiously at her. 

"My parents did it not me Zaynab. What was I supposed to say? Would you reject what your parents want?", she yells with tears streaming down her face. 

"Your parents are not strict Halimat. They let you do and choose what you want so don't even lie on them. This is why you've been so distant? Because you secretly loved Shaby. I should've known. You completely stopped talking to Nafisat, you barely went out with us, and you looked so drained at the wedding. Halimat you love your best friend of many years' husband?", I yell with utter shock and was even more stunned when she doesn't even try to deny it. 

"Ya Allah"I cover my mouth and stumble back.

"It doesn't make a difference anyways because they didn't work out which means they weren't meant for each other", she shrugs.

"Halimat. *gulps* Are you responsible for their tearing apart? Are you responsible for all those texts from Musa? Did you bring him back to tear them apart? Halimat did you send her nude pictures to everyone in the society?", I ask.

She looks at me and her arms drops then she looks down. 

I cover my face as the tears slid down. 

"Halimat you humiliated her. Her parents are talking bad about her, the whole society, her in-laws, her husband hates her. She can't even go out without being attacked or flirted on or bad talked about. Ah Halimat your evil, your evil. You are wicked Halimat. You ruined her life just to steal her husband. I knew there was something up with you when she told you she was pregnant with their baby and you told her not to tell him because he wouldn't care and he'd think it was Musa's baby. Even after knowing she was pregnant you still didn't have any heart to confess and tell Shaby the truth. AH Halimat you are truly wicked", I yell.

"Yes I did it all okay. It's not my fault. You were both married happily and have everything, my parents hardly pay any attention to me. I wanted what she had, I wanted Shaby first time we met him but no she always had to get all the guys as always, but not this timke. I knew I had to do something and this was the only way I could do it. I never meant to hurt her", she yells and tears slide down her cheeks. 

"Have a nice married life with him", I shake my head then push past her. "Zaynab please"she holds me back but I just push her away then storm out of her house. "You always do this", she yells which made me stop then look at her confused.

"You always back her up for everything, we were friends before meeting her so why is it that your always on her side for everything", she yells with tears streaming down her face. 

"Halimat. Am friends with you just as much as am friends with you, I always go with whoever I think has the more valid point but your friendship is fake as you. You ruined your friends happiness for your own greedy gain. Who's to say you can't do the same thing you did to her to me? Huh Halimat. I love you but am not in support of this. Your really wicked", I shake my head then walk out of her house. 

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