Chapter 31

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"Hey sis you okay now?",Hariyat asks Nafisat who looks up from her phone with a smile.

"Yeah why?",she asks.

"Nothing"her sister smiles happily then jumps on the couch beside Nafisat.

I look over at Malik who looks at me confusedly.

"Everything okay?"he asks

"Just making sure you can talk to your big bro about anything",I pat his shoulder.

"I know that"he chuckles.


"We should get going. Hariyat"he calls his wife who looks up st him with a frown while hugging Nafisat.

"Let's stay longer" she begs him.

"I gotta wake up for work tonight. Come on we'll come tomorrow"he tells her.

She pouts then looks at her sister who hugs her tightly making Hariyat giggle.

"See you tomorrow then. Love you",she tells Nafisat.

"Love you too my other half shaped moon" Nafisat dramatically declares.

"The fuck?",both Hariyat and Malik laugh.

Hariyat gets up and waves at her sister. Then she turns to Malik and sighs. The couple walk out the house silently.

"You know Hariyat said they're gonna try for a baby again. But this time she's taking yoga classes. Her doctor said it may be due to some stress so she should try that",Nafisat tells me.

"Mmm and Malik knows?",I ask her.

"Obviously how would they try if he doesn't know",she scoffs playfully.

"No. I mean does he know she told you about them trying?".

She keeps quiet afterwards.

"Well in her defense I kinda forced it out of her. She didn't want to I made her tell me how she was feeling about everything. See when Hariyat is stressed with thoughts, if you force her to talk about her feelings, she blurts out EVERYTHING",she whispers.

I him and nod.

"And knowing that Malik wouldn't like her telling you. You still forced her to tell you,know g how she is with secrets",I raise an eyebrow.

She looks at me with a frown then turns towards me.

"I didn't think it was a big deal"she whispers.

"Nafisat would you like everyone knowing about our own personal problems? I don't care even if its your sister or my brother. Married couple's personal problems stays within them. You forcing your sister to tell you is totally wrong and insulting to not just Malik but to me too".

"Why are you behaving like that? It's not that deep",she gasps.

"Don't you get it Nafisat. Use your senses its not a hard equation. If they start having problems, its on YOU",I yell.

"Stop yelling at me. What is wrong with you! You keep yelling at me and insulting me for everything I do",she yells.

I stand up and walk away from her.

"Shaby Shaby"she yells but I ignore her. Just before I could open the door to our room. I hear her crying. It actually took all the strength I had to to not leave.

I turn around and find her with her head in her hands on the couch.


I get caught off by her getting up, picking up her keys and storming out of the house.

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