Chapter 9

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I avoid a pale looking Halimat as I slide the ring on her finger. Everyone claps then I hold my hand out and she holds the ring out. Just as she was about to put the ring on my finger, Zaynab walks in dragging Nafisat behind her. "Stop the wedding you can't marry her", Zaynab yells.

Halimat stands up shocked and the ring falls out of her hand and rolls down the stage then stops at Nafisat's feet. She looks at me then Halimat and bends down slowly and picks it up. She gets up and stares at the ring. 

"Zaynab what are you doing?", Aabid asks pulling her but she just gives him a stern glare which made him let go instantly. "Your marrying him?", Nafisat whispers looking at Halimat with tears in her eyes and her throat cracking. Halimat looks down and plays with her fingers. 

"Look Zaynab enough is enough mind your own business this doesn't concern you so let it go", mama says with a stern tone.

"Sorry to disobey you aunty but I can't let it go because Nafisat is innocent and the girl your about to marry your son to is the real culprit here", Zaynab says.

Nafisat looks at Zaynab confusedly then looks at Halimat who looks away with tears in her eyes. 

"What are you talking about Zaynab. How is Halimat the culprit she doesn't even know what happened", Nafisat says.

"That's what we all thought but in reality everything that had happened was ALL HER. Nafisat she brought Musa back, she took your phone and had been the one messaging Musa back and forth so it would look like you were having a conversation with him. She took a picture of you secretly and sent it to Musa then she spread it out to the society. She sabotaged your friendship all because she wanted to marry Shaby. Because she loved him the moment ya'll met him at my wedding but because you got him in the end she hatched out this plan to ruin your marriage",Zaynab explains. 

Gasps fill the room and all eyes are now on Halimat. "Halimat is that true?", her mom asks turning her around. "Ummi, am sorry",Halimat breaks down crying. I gasp and move back away from her. Why didn't she come yesterday when we got married, why the day of celebration. Am already married to her. I look at Nafisat who stumbles back while looking at Halimat with disbelief. 

"What did I ever do to you?", she whispers. 

"Nafisat please am sorry", Halimat walks down the stage towards Nafisat but mama holds her back then slaps her. Halimat hits the floor with a thud while holding her cheek. "You humiliated not only her but my family too, my son, what kind of human are you? You wear an hijab but have an evil and wicked heart. You had the guts to pull such a conspiracy and that too against your own friend? Your disgusting", mama snaps. 

Halimat just stays on the floor crying her eyes out. 

"Nafisat", mama sighs then she holds her hand. "Am so sorry beta for doubti-", 

"Aunty please don't. How could you have believed me when all evidence pointed right at me? It's okay",Nafisat whispers then she walks past mama and towards Halimat. She bends down and pulls Halimat up. Halimat looks away crying. 

Nafisat slaps her, first time then she slaps her again then she kept on going while Halimat is crying harder and harder and moving backwards. 

"Nafisat", Zaynab pulls her back but Nafisat pushes Zaynab away gently and gives Halimat a back hand slap which made Halimat hit the floor. 

"I confided in you about what was going on Halimat. I thought you were my friend. I told you everything, every single detail whereas you were behind it the entire time. How could you even think of doing this to me Halmat you didn't only break my marriage and my husband's trust in me. You humiliated me in front of everyone. You sent my pictures around Halimat-", Nafisat stops as she breaks down crying. 

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