Chapter 7: Discovery

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The first thing she saw was fire. It danced in the middle of the cave, a giant bonfire that radiated warmth for miles. Cyrene stepped forward as her eyes darted around, unsure where to look. The walls had as many holes as the side of an ant hill, only every hole was a den. Ledges covered the wall space that wasn't serving as a den, and wild cats ran and played across them as if they were the ground.

"You'll get used ta it eventually. Soon you'll finally see that even as big as it is, it's still a'crowded," Ryche chuckled. He stared at her for a moment before running forward to the felines around the bonfire, where his white tattoos and tan pelt melted into the collage of colors.

Cyrene continued to stare in awe at the sea of white tattooed wild cats that lived their lives below her.

"How have all the other glarings never seen this? I thought at least Vigilant would have heard them!" Cyrene asked, turning her head to Alba.

"Lili enchanted it to make it sound proof. It's a nice feature," the tiger answered.

She shook her head in response and turned back to watch. In the center two lionesses argued over a deer hind, before being broken apart by a lean panthress. She talked to them with a regal grace that caused both lionesses to huff and stomp away. Her gaze lifted upwards and landed on Cyrene. The panthress's mouth curved upwards into a smile. Ryche approached the panthress, and soon they both made their way over to Cyrene.

"Alba, Ryche, I see you brought a new glaring member home," she cooed with a sickly sweet voice. Cyrene's eyes widened as her gaze landed on the panthress's appearance up close. A white tattoo of an oak tree started in the middle of her forehead, and its roots spread across her entire body, highlighting every tan arch and angle. A silver circlet sat on her forehead that was so dainty it could have been mistaken for spider silk. She chuckled as she caught Cyrene staring.

"Lili," Ryche answered back, before bowing his head down. Alba did the same, and Cyrene quickly followed.

"I'm glad to see you using formalities again, Ryche," Lili answered with some haughtiness in her voice.

"Yes, I am glad I came to my senses and started using them again too," he replied. The easiness in his voice was gone, replaced by the rigid and monotone responses of a soldier.

"Rise all of you."

Cyrene lifted her head and looked as Alba and Ryche lifted theirs. Lili gave a satisfactory nod.

"Welcome to Veilded, Cyrene." The panthress's eyes flicked over her before landing on her tail. "I see you had an incident."

"Yes, eh," Ryche started uneasily. His voice trembled along with what was left of his mane. "Alba here didn't necessarily understand the term, warm welcome."

"Hilarious," Alba muttered. The sarcasm left his voice instantly as he saw Lili staring. "I didn't know she was a member."

"Of course you didn't," Lili growled. Her claws started to grate against the stone floor as her gaze on Alba hardened "Do it again and your fate might change a bit."

The short tiger nodded before scrambling away, running off faster than Cyrene imagined he could. Ryche stood up and scurried after him. She watched Alba for seconds more before turning back to Veilded's leader.

"Alba never was much of a smart one. I'm surprised I even took him in. But we're known as the glaring of growth for a reason. I'll show you your den now," Lili said sweetly. "It'll be your home for as long as Veilded is your home."

"Which is forever, right?" Cyrene asked nervously. "I mean, it's not like I can be kicked out?"

"There's always a way I can make you leave." The hint of a threat didn't stay hidden. Lili smiled before turning back into the sweet leader Cyrene had first met. "But I'm sure that won't be a problem. Follow me now!"

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