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Next day~
Tae oppa was taking care of me because it was obviously his fault. I just woke up from my deep slumber, when suddenly....

He burst inside my room without even knocking, how rude...

He entered my room happily with a tray on his hands which means.... BREAKFASTTTT!!!! Which also means no dishes for me....

You: good morning tae oppa... Oh and thanks for the breakfast.
You said while he placed the tray that was full of food on your lap. And you started eating, you kinda feel bad for eating and just letting your oppa starve, so decided to share your food with him. You happily eat your breakfast in bed. Because why not especially with my condition a broken ankle. When you finished eating tae oppa carried the tray back downstairs. After tae oppa left the room you played with your phone because you got nothing to do after all you can't even stand properly. Minutes past and tae oppa entered your room without even knocking.....again. He sat on the other side of the bed. You were confused why he was here.

You: tae oppa... Why are you here in my room?

Tae: so that when you need something you don't need to shout to call me.
He flashed his rectangular smile at you. You just nodded at him.

Hours passed by. You were still on the bed watching tv while you noticed something that tae oppa kept glancing at you which made you more uncomfortable. So you decided to ask him what wrong.

You: tae oppa?

Tae: hmmm?

You: what's wrong? You kept on staring at me.

Tae: ahhh.... Because....

You: tell me...

Tae: can you promise not to be mad with me after i tell you and act normal around me after i tell you ok?

You: yes oppa...

Tae: I don't know where to start but.... Lisa.... I... Like... You...

You were taken off guard. You don't know what to do, how to react with what he said.

Tae: please say something.

You: uhmmmm..... I don't know what to say.... I guess i never thought of this happening right here right now.

Tae: it's okay. I'll give space and time to think. I'll be in my room if you need me.

With that he left you in your room. You were confused at the moment you were collecting your thoughts of what just happened. You recall all what tae oppa told you " lisa i like you". Your thoughts were scattered in your head you cant even think straight, when you heard someone shouting at you. And you realised that you were so deep in your thoughts.

???: Yahhhhh!!!! Lisaaaa!!!

You: huh?

Jimin: yahh!!! I've been shouting here for about 10 minutes now. What are you doing? Why do look so lost in your thoughts?

You: uhmmm.... Nothing oppa
You answered with a cheerful voice.

Jimin: are you sure you know you could tell.
He said in a caring voice. You just nodded at him saying that you were okay.

Jimin: good... Uhmmmm lisa?

You: yes oppa???

Jimin: i need to tell you something....

I just stared at him with a blank expression telling him to continue what he was saying. I was confused  of what he was trying to say. But somehow, Why i fell unease with his words don't tell me...

Jimin: Lisa i mean this from the bottom of my heart... I like you alot lisa...

You were in a state of shock because a minutes a while ago taehyung oppa confessed to me about his feeling and then now jimin oppa... Ahhhhh!!!!! This is so stressing.... Why do i need to handle two confessions in one day... I just hope that there's no more following. You were still in shock.

Jimin: lisa are you okay?

You just stared at him blankly.

You: can you give some time to think. I need to be alone right now.
Jimin nodded.

Jimin: okay I'll give you time.
Jimin closed your bedroom door. You stood up slowly so that you can lock you door so that no more will came barging in my room. After you lock the door you quickly went back to the bed and laid down and you drifted to sleep.

( 2 hours later)
You were woken up by the sound shouting which came from downstairs. You heard that that was 7 annoying brothers shouting at each other.... Again. Even though they're just beside each other.( I forgot to mention that you mom and stepfather separated from the house that you were living in right now and the house that your mother and stepfather are living. In other words you are living with your 7 stepbrothers). You got up angrily because of they're loud mouths. You tried your best to go downstairs unnoticed , you heard they're conversation. And shockingly they were talking about you. You there on the top of the staircase just listening to them.

Namjoon: taehyung what did you do?

Tae: I'm sorry hyung but i just can't help it that's why i confessed to her.

Hoseok: u thought we all agreed not to tell her she might think different about you guys( remember hosoek doesn't like you).

Jin: we kept our feeling for her because we all agreed never to tell her. Jimin and taehyung, you even decided to confess your feeling for her in the same day, do you think that will be easy for her to handle.

Jimin: sorry hyung. I never thought that taehyung would confess nor fid i had a clue that he was confessing.

Namjoon: well you can't take back what you said to her so beat it. For the rest of us jin, suga, jungkook never ever tell lisa about you're feelings and let's just stick to the plan of not telling her. I don't want her to change because of our feeling for her.

Jungkook: me to hyung. Let's just stick to the plan.

You: what is happening right now??
I whispered to myself.

You Were confused of what was happening and confused if you were just dreaming so you try to pinch yourself and it hurts alot. So im not dreaming. Your mind is going blank thinking of how you were going to face them knowing that they liked you, and the main problem is them not knowing that i know everything. I just can't that's why you went downstairs while they were still taking about you. You don't know why you did that but at the back of your mind it's easier to live with knowing that i know, instead of living with me knowing that they like me and them not knowing that i know. So I'm just going to face them right here right now.

You: hey oppas~~

All: hey...lisa...

And there was an akward silence that filled the air.

Jin: how long have you been there?

You: long enough to hear it all...

Namjoon: all?

You: yes... All...

Next chapter will be published on...... When im in the mood to right, dont worry that wouldn't be long it usually a range of 2-3 days. But don't worry i only write story for about a hour so no need to worry. And by the way, thanku for reading my story. If you somehow like this story please vote for my story. Love you guys....

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