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~ chapter 11 is here~

Today was your date with taehyung. You hurriedly got up from bed, you were usually woken up by your alarm, but since you couldn't sleep a bit you woke up earlier than your alarm. You picked your outfit for your date with taehyung, taehyung told you that you were going to play, so he told you to dress comfortably for you to be able to run around. You hopped in the shower, while taking a shower you cannot stop thinking about hoseok, about your feelings, about how unfair it is for the others. While on the other side of your mind was thinking, I'm sure they'll understand,  they will not get hurt, it's right to love hoseok. While your mind was fighting whether who to choose, your heart shouts one name. After shower you dried yourself and wore your clothes, you did a light makeup. After getting ready you went downstairs, you saw  7 boys sitting in the dining eating breakfast. This made you feel worried, because the one person you had feeling for is in there with them, you were nervous, because what if they ask about your choose who to chose. You quickly shake the thought away and began walking to the dining room, as soom as they noticed you...

All: good morning lisa...

You: good morning oppas.

You walked towards your chair. You were about to sit down when taehyung helped you sit down by pulling the chair for you to sit on it and pushing it back when you are finally seated

You: thank you taehyung oppa
You thanked him with a smile

Taehyung: It's okay, I'm your date for today. So don't worry I'll take care of you
He said showing his rectangular smile
After eating breakfast you and taehyung bid goodbyes to others. Youang taehyunghop in the car, taehyung helped you get in the car. You really did not know where taehyung was taking you for your date, butjudging from what taehyung wants you to wear it will be exciting.

Taehyung: aren't you curious where we're going?

You: actually yes, but i know it will be exciting, so I prefer be suprised.
You reply while smiling

Taehyung slightly grin at you

The drive was silent but not akward, it was a comfortable silence. Minutes later You arrived at a...

Laser tag area!!!!

You were excited because it was only your first time going to this kind of place. You hop out the car jumping around because of excitement, taehyung find that cute, it look like your a 6 year old girl having a pony for a gift. Taehyung attempted to drag inside but it end up, you dragging taehyung inside. You and taehyung entered, you were confused why there was no one inside.

You: taehyung oppa, why are alone?

Taehyung: i rented the whole place for the whole day for you lisa.

You: wow! Thank you taehyung oppa...

Taehyung: anything for you~

You and taehyung started getting ready. You were fixing your gear when taehyung helps you with it, when he was done helping you, you thanked him. You and taehyung started playing, after  hours of playing it already night time, the score was tied 4:4. You both decided to go home, because both of you were exhausted, becaise of the running and chasing you guys did while playing. You hop in the car and taehyung started driving back home. When you reach home, you saw your other 6 brothers in the living room sitting down on the couch while looking at you seriously you were worried because j hope was there also.

Namjoon: Lisa can we talk to you?

You: sure namjoon oppa...

You walk to where they were

You: what do you want totalk about oppas?

Jin: we don't mean to rush things but we wanted to ask you if you have someone in mind, who your choosing?

You: no, I'm still thinking about it oppa, plus jungkook is still not done... But, can i ask you guys a favor?

All: sure anything...

You: after my date with jungkook, can i atleast get a week before telling you guys my decision?

Jin: sure lisa...

Hoseok: after all, you will need time to think who to chose...

You just smiled as a reply to him. Since, you were really tired because of the activities today with your date with taehyung, you excused yourself to go upstairs to sleep. You enter you room and toke vlothes from your closet and went to the bathroom to freshen up and soon drifted to sleep, with one thought in mind......

"What are the consequences if a choose hoseok?"

Hi guysss, im so sorry for the super late update.... Well thus story is coming an end. And for those who commented, im so sorry to say that i am not considering comments anymore because it's been a long time since ask you guys, but my classmates and i thought of a plot for the story so, I'm so sorry.....


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