Chapter 3

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Joey's POV
Why does school have ta be soooooo boring! Just listening to some teacher guy reading out a bunch of maths problems is just making it worse.

I don't know why but I've felt eyes on me during this whole class, I don't think I've done anything wrong so... Why am a bein' stared at?! I then turn around to take a quick glance at where I feel the staring is coming from and it turns out it's from Yugi. Why's he staring at me? He usually takes tons of notes and focuses in class (I know this because I don't focus, heheehe). Yugi then realised that I've caught him staring at me and quickly gives me an awkward smile and resumes to taking notes.

I turn around again to face the teacher so that I don't get in trouble for being distracted again. Come on clock! Tick faster....

Time skip to the end of school

Kaibas POV
The final bell had finally rung and a loud outburst of talking could be heard from all of the stupendous and carefree students. I pack my laptop away and look around for Wheeler. He's still sitting at his desk, sleeping I think? Hmph, no wonder he's a stupid mutt. Yugi, Tristan and Téa all walk up to Joey and try to shake him awake. Eventually after afew weak shoves the dog finally woke up.

"Ughhhh, was I asleep?" I overheard the mutt say groggily. I didn't have time to listen to their chatter and I certaintly do not plan on waiting for the mutt to stop talking to to his friends. I begin to stride over to the group, grab Joey's hand and pull him up and drag him out of the classroom leaving his friends in shock.

"K-kaiba?! I thought we were meetin' down in de carpark?" The mongrel spouted as he was stumbling on after me trying to keep up with my quick pacing. Hmm, I actually quite like seeing the mutt look this vulnerable, it means I have an upper hand for blackmail in the future, of course only if I somehow magically don't get my way.

"I changed my mind mutt, it's way too much hassle since we are in the same class anyway. I also didn't want to sit around and wait for you to finish speaking with the other dweebs. I am a very busy man after all" I say sternly as I glare at him from the corner of my eye. I think that statement should have shut him up at least.

We eventually reach my limousine and I throw him in releasing his hand from my firm grip. He made a whining noise from inside the car, I didn't even throw him that hard... If I knew he was as weak as Yugi I wouldn't have tossed the mongrel in. What's done is done I guess.

The mutt was staying silent and gazing out the tinted windows. I kept staring at him. Something's not right with Wheeler, what happend to the Third rate Duelist who would start pointless arguments with me for no reason? I then look at his reflection in the window and he's looking back at me. He then widens his eyes and blushes while averting his gaze. Hmph, he's definetly hiding something from me. It won't take me long to find out what's up with him, after all, nothing gets past me.

We arrive at my mansion, and as expected Wheelers jaw dropped, probably enough to fit a car in his mouth. He then saw that I had caught him in the act , and as I smirked, he closed his jaw with a frown and looked away.

" Okay moneybags, let's get dis duel over and done with so I can leave." The mutt barked at me. How impudent, he thinks he'll be able to leave as soon as the duels over?! I don't think so, not under my watch.

We walked through the large scaled front doors of my mansion and I had led him to my bedroom which was also very large scale, it had a dueling table, a desk for work, a chair, and my king sized bed. My room was all blue and white to represent my favoruite monster, the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

I got him to sit down and duel me, and obviously I pummeled him with my Blue eyes. However beating him was my main goal this morning, but now my goal has changed. I want to see what this mutt is thinking now, not because I care, but I like to know the mental state of each and every opponent so I can toy with them.

"Well ya definetly obliterated me Kaiba! It was a good duel, and now I'll take my leave..." The blonde said looking at the door and waving to me. He began to make is way towards the door, but before he could open the door I grabbed his wrists and walked him over to my bed and pinned him down. I don't want to hurt him so that's why I pinned him on a softer landing. He stared up at me stunned, he then snapped out of it and began to struggle. I kept him pinned down easily because I am much stronger than he thinks.

The mutt stops. Ha, looks like he's finally given in now. I can start questioning him.

"Mutt, you've been acting strange, or at least stranger than you usually are, you are going to tell me what's up now or I'm going to find another way, got it?" I said harshly. The mutt just looked up at me and he then gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Was he, holding back tears?

I then use one of my hands to turn his head to face me and I stare him right in the eyes. He's now silently crying, and I don't know why.

"Wheeler, why are you sniffling like a child?!" I asked squinting my eyes, intrigued by the situation.

Wheeler then responded quietly. "... For more reasons than you think, Kaiba."

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