Chapter 4

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Joey's POV
I had planned to leave as soon as Kaiba thrashed me in dat short game of Duel Monsters...  However the egotistical maniac grabbed my wrist really damn tight and pushed me over onto da bed in his room. My heart beat was outta control! However I had tried to calm down, for Yugis sake, Kaiba is Yugis, or at least in his fantasies he is... It was no use though, seeing his cerulean blue eyes up close was so overwhelming that I couldn't calm down at all. Realising I have no self control, I try to struggle away from him before I go and do somethin' stupid. It was also no use. Kaiba den talked to me, asking me why I was cryin', and obviously I didn't want to tell him so I gave em as vague an answer as possible. How could I not cry Kaiba!? Yugi and I both love you and want you to ourselves, and Yugi dosent know I like you too so I gave you up for Yugis happiness, and he still thinks I'm totally chill with it... Not to mention every night I come home, I come home ta dat fat alchaholic jerk I'm forced to call a dad! Then I get beaten till I have bruises everywhere... The tears just kept fallin' and fallin' and, I couldn't stop 'em. Now Kaiba knows how weak I am... How could dis day get any worse?

Yugis POV
Joey and I had planned to go to the arcade today after Kaiba had his duel with him, but Joey still isn't back yet. I know that Kaiba must have won by now so I decided to take the sensible option and headed on over to Kaibas mansion to pick up Joey. Kaibas mansion... Kaiba... Oh no I'm fangirling over Kaiba slightly, calm down Yugi, your just picking up Joey from Kaibas place, that's all... I then noticed somebody's eyes on me.

"Yami? When did you wake up?" I said to Yami who just happend to be out of the puzzle. He sadly frowned at me and sighed.

"Yugi, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to visit them right now. I have a gut feeling that's something bad is going to happen..." Yami spoke with a caring tone. Yami always wants the best for me and always gives me the best advice, however usually I can understand his reasonings, but this time I can't see what he's worried about.

"What do you mean Yami? All I'm going to do is pick Joey up and then go to the arcade with him." I questioned as he looked at me with worry. Yami knows that I like Kaiba but Yami says that Kaibas not right for me, as if he was my father or something.

"Well, ok then Yugi, do whatever you feel is necessary and don't say I didn't give you any warning. I'm going back inside the puzzle for now, and while I'm gone, please don't make a fool of yourself in front of Kaiba?" Yami gave in to my questioning and then went inside the puzzle. I don't know why Yami acts these ways sometimes. However I choose to follow through with going to see kai- I mean, pick up Joey! Yes, Joey, hehehee...heh.

I had finally arrived at the mansion, as Mokuba, kaibas younger brother had come to greet me and let me in. He was nearly the opposite of his brother, he was very kind hearted and friendly. He then pointed up the stairs to a white door.

"That should be where Seto took Joey to duel. I hope Kaiba hasn't given him a hard time... Well see ya later Yugi, I'm going to make some coffee!" Mokuba said smiling largely towards me. Hmm, I wonder if that's Kaibas bedroom...

I creep up the stairs and then I begin to hear Kaibas voice. He had used such a soft tone from what I could hear, yet he was still so harsh.

"...Wheeler, just because you lost dosent mean you have to sniffle like a child over it" I heard Kaiba say to Joey. Joey, crying? I've never seen or heard Joey cry before, he always keeps his feelings to himself. Sometimes I feel like he dosent trust me even though I'm one of his best friends...

I take a gulp and decide to open the door to see Kaiba whose pinned Joey to his bed. Their faces were incredibly close and Joey, had many silent tears rolling down his cheeks. It was a sight I had never seen before. I felt like I was betrayed, that Joey would seduce Kaiba behind my back. However if that's the case he wouldn't be crying... That would mean... Kaiba forced himself on Joey?! As much as I love Kaiba, if my best friend gets hurt by anyone even him, I won't forgive him. Then again Joey has gotten a lot of attention from Kaiba recently, he's held hands with him, and now he's pinned to the bed in a suggestive position. Yami was right, I shouldn't have come here. I have no clue what to think!

Kaibas POV
I heard the door creak open. I turned my head around, (still keeping Joey pinned down) and saw Yugi, standing at the door, tearing up?

I then looked back to the mutt who looked at the midget open eyed and struggling for words. Hmph I should've taught the dog how to speak. Yugi was still trembling for some reason. There's something fishy about these two and I want to get to the bottom of it, I won't let anything get in my way.

"Joey... How, could you? I thought we were friends..." The small teen had whined quietly. What is he on about? What has this mongrel possibly done to hurt Yugi?

"Yugi! It isn't what it looks like! Please Yugi, I... I wanted te leave but Kaiba wouldn't let me!" Wheeler said raising his voice desperately trying to show his innocence for a reason that is even unknown to me.

"No Joey... I need some time... To process this. Goodbye." Yugi spoke with a tremor as he glanced at me teary eyed, and then ran out of my room leaving his dirty footprints on the white floor. Tsk, I thought Mokuba would've told him to take his stupid leather shoes off.

I then feel a massive amount of strength trying to push me over. Even though it's stronger than before, I won't allow a stupid mongrel to out do me. I push him back to the bed as he grunts.

"Stupid Kaiba! If you had just let me leave den, Yugi wouldn't of been hurt and I would then be able te live an easier life!" Wheeler cried, but it was as if he'd given up. Why was he blaming me for all of this crap about one spinless midget? I release my grip on Wheeler, shocked slightly at his unexplainable accusation. As soon as I'd let go the mutt slapped me, very hard. I could tell there was emotion behind it.

"Wheeler. I'll let you off this time, but I will come back, and you will tell me what's wrong, and why Yugi seemed upset at the sight of you pinned underneath me." I spat, knowing that he wouldn't give in today. I close my eyes as I hear his footsteps rapidly hitting the floor suggesting he was chasing after Yugi. Why does he care about that midget more than me? Wouldn't it be much more obvious to ditch your friend and spill the beans to the rich man? Yet somehow, this foolish dog chooses to ignore me and chase after the dweeb?

Since when did I even care what the mutt thinks?

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