Chapter 27- Quarantine Edition

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Hi there everyone! I got this idea to write a special chapter of how Kaiba and Joey deal with the current Covid-19 lockdown situation.

I thought it'd be a cute idea to see how they manage the whole lockdown thing.

Also, this does not take place on the actual storyline, it's a special chapter. Stay home, stay safe, and enjoy!


Kaiba's POV

This lockdown is both a blessing and a curse. I have to stay locked away inside and operate from home... Which, in my opinion, I don't really find it much different to my usual circumstances. On the bright side, I get to stay with Joey every day of the lockdown. I feel exceptionally relieved when I'm in his presence.

Most of the time, Joey is hibernating in bed, within a self-made cocoon of duvets and woollen blankets. The majority of the time, I have to try and dig him out of the layers of warmth to get him to eat. I personally do not blame him for wanting to stay in bed. There is little to nothing to do, and all he's been doing is hibernating like a bear in winter, even well before the lockdown was in place. I'm not going to lie though, he is particularly adorable when he's all tucked up like that, with nothing to see but his happy little face peeking out of the covers.

I had been working on the computer all-day regarding the fact I'd be close to Joey if he needs me. Luckily for me, my office is conveniently located close to my bedroom (where the puppy sleeps).

All of a sudden I heard a knock on my door pursued by a relatively pretentious sounding: "Seto, I'm hungryyyyy... When are we having dinner?" Which I could only infer was Mokuba. I sighed and glanced at the time displayed on my computer. Only five o'clock. I suppose I should try and get something for dinner sorted... But everything I make usually turns out dreadful, burnt or something straight out the shadow realm.

I stand up and fold my arms, striving to come up with an idea for dinner. I begin to stare at a random spot on the floor. What dish is straightforward enough to make... Something I can put together. I soon look back up at Mokuba to see him staring blankly at me waiting for a response.

"Are you thinking about what to make big bro?" Mokuba says casually piercing through my thoughts. Argh, he sees right through me... Well no wonder, he is my brother after all.

"Ah, yes. If you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them to me." I proposed to Mokuba. If he has something he wants in mind, that'll make things quicker.

"Haha, actually I don't have anything in mind either..." Mokuba confessed sheepishly. He then paused for a couple of minutes and then perked up immediately.

"Why don't we ask Joey?! I'm sure he'll have something in mind." Mokuba grinned. He ran directly into what I can only assume is my bedroom. Defeated, I follow Mokuba into my bedroom where the puppy lays.

"Joey! Joey! Joeyyyyyyy! Can I ask you a question?" Mokuba said exuding immense levels of energy. He nudged Joey a little bit. I then gave him a firm look as I was worried he accidentally hurt Joey. Although I guess that would be difficult since he's wrapped in layers of protection. Mokuba smiled apologetically towards me and turned back to face Joey.

Joey rolled over a little until his face was visible. He then unhurriedly yawned and opened his eyes.

"What's up ya little rascal?" Joey said playfully chuckling at Mokuba. I want to cuddle- I mean kiss- I mean... Ah, there's no point in really hiding these emotions anymore. But he just looks so vulnerable it makes me want to protect him and feed him.

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