Heading Home!

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Lacey woke up and she forgot where she was for a few seconds. She remembered and looked at the clock. 7:14 a.m. She sat up and Jared walked out of the bathroom. He smiled and she got out of bed.

"Morning Sweetheart!" Jared was very enthusiastic. Lacey laughed at him. "Good morning!" She over exaggerated. Jared laughed. "Time to go home! My baby girl finally has a boyfriend to protect her." Jared pretended to wipe a tear away. Lacey giggled. "Did you use a condom?" "Dad! It didn't get that far!" Jared chuckled. "Go get dressed." Lacey grabbed a comfortable outfit.

     She walked to the bathroom and changed

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She walked to the bathroom and changed. She brushed her teeth and hair.

"Why do you always have to look better than me!" Jared joked. "Because I actually try to look presentable." Lacey replied. "Hey!" "You look fine Dad." Jared smiled.

Lacey's phone buzzed and she looked at it.

M: Hey Lay Lay! Ready to go home?😉

L: Ya Mish! I can't wait to sleep on top of you on the plane! Just kidding.😁

M: Your cute. I'm not gonna let you sleep!😏

L: Fine... I won't sleep. We'll just play with Snapchat filters!😆

M: Oh no.😐

L: Hehehehehe 😘

M: 💜

"Let me guess. Misha?" Jared smiled at her. She blushed and looked down. "Yeah." "Have you said you love him yet?" "Nope." Lacey said popping the p. Jared shook his head. "Alright. Come on, we need to get to the airport." Lacey grabbed her suitcase and rolled it behind her.

When they got to the lobby of the hotel, Lacey saw Misha waiting for them. She dropped her suitcase and ran over to him. "Mish!" She jumped into his arms. "Lay Lay!" He kissed her and put her down. "Miss me?" Misha asked her. She blushed and grinned. "Yeah. I don't know why Dad had to take me away from you. I could've stayed there forever." Misha smiled that adorable smile that made her heart melt. "Me neither." "You know, I should start calling you Dmitri." she giggled and he smiled. "That'll be your new nickname." She said. He smiled and kissed her cheek.

They arrived at the airport and Lacey stayed by Misha the entire time. Jared smiled at them but didn't say anything. He thought they were cute. He tagged along like a third wheel because Jensen had to stay another day. Lacey was smiling and it seemed like she couldn't stop. Jared laughed quietly, knowing how much Lacey loved Misha.

They waited in the boarding area and Lacey was talking with Misha about something that seemed serious to Jared. He decided to not eavesdrop because he knew he would find out sooner or later. He turned away and acted like was doing something important.

"Ok Mish. This is important and I need to tell you now. Otherwise I'll burst." Lacey said. "Ok." Misha seemed nervous. "Ok I'm just gonna throw it out there. I love you Mish." Misha smiled wider than ever before. "I love you too Lay Lay." Before Lacey could say anything, Misha pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers passionately. She kissed him back and Jared's eyes were wide. He wondered what he missed. Lacey pulled away and looked at Jared for approval. The corners of Jared's mouth went up and he smiled widely. Lacey giggled and hugged Misha tightly.

They boarded the plane and Lacey sat in the window seat again. Misha sat beside her and put his hand on her knee. She smiled and looked up at him. She grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. She turned and looked out the window. She smiled and never felt happier. The rest of the flight they played with Snapchat filters and posted on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

The plane landed and they grabbed their bags and headed off the plane. They walked over to the parking lot and Lacey looked at Jared, hoping to ask him something.

"Yes?" Jared asked, knowing her facial expression."Can I go home with Misha, please?" Lacey looked at Jared with hopeful eyes. "Yeah." Jared sighed. "I know you love him." Jared told Lacey. "Thank you!" Lacey hugged Jared and walked over to Misha.

"Dmitri! I'm going home with you." You told Misha. He smiled. "Alright. I hope you can stay the night." "I'll have to ask Dad later." Misha nodded. "Let's go!" Lacey grinned and got in the front seat of Misha's car. Misha played a song that Lacey knew and she started singing along quietly. "You have a beautiful voice." Lacey blushed. "Thanks." She started singing again but louder this time so Misha could here her. Misha smiled and listened to her sing while driving. He felt really lucky to have found someone that he truly loves.

Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know how I'm doing with this story in the comments. Bye!

Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now