Exciting News

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     Lacey accidentally fell asleep on Misha, so he laid her down in her bed. He walked downstairs and Jared looked confused.

     “She fell asleep.” Misha explained. Jared nodded and smiled. “She said that her friend was right. That she should kill herself.” Misha looked down sadly.

     “Why would she say that?” Jared was upset.

     “She said she didn't deserve to be adopted.” Misha explained. “I can't do this. I have to go help her.” He left and walked to Lacey's room. When he walked into her room, he saw her looking at a knife. His eyes went wide. “Lacey! Why would you do this? Did you cut?”

     “I didn't cut. I promise. I'm just thinking.” Lacey explained.

     “So you look at knives when you think?” Misha was joking.

     “Yes. Shiny objects help me think.” Lacey was completely serious. Misha had a confused look on his face but he nodded anyway.

     “If you ever think about cutting, call me. I'm serious Lacey.” Misha said softly. Lacey nodded. “What are you thinking about?”

     “Don't worry baby. I'm not having suicidal thoughts.” Lacey reassured Misha. He sighed.

     “I guess we're making baby a new nickname.” He chuckled. “I gotta go to work. Sorry baby. I'll call you later to see how you're doing.”

     “Okay!” Lacey put the knife down. She grabbed her phone and blocked Katherine. She walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. Gen came running up.

     “I heard about what happened. Are you okay?” She sat down beside Lacey. She looked worried.

     “Mom, calm down. I'm okay. I blocked her and I'm not having suicidal thoughts.” She sighed.

     “Ok let's just forget this ever happened then.” Gen said. Lacey nodded.

Later that day

     There was a knock at the door.

     “Could you get that Lacey?” Jared asked.

     “Yeah I got it.” Lacey walked to the door and opened it. It was Misha. “Hey Mish! What're you doing here?”

     “I have good news!” Misha walked in. “I want to tell you first though so we should go to your room.” Misha said. Lacey nodded.

     When they got to Lacey's room Lacey plopped down on the bed. “What is it?” Lacey was shaking from anxiety.

     “I talked to the producers, and they're introducing a new character in Supernatural! Her name is Tayla and she's an angel. She's going to be super close to Castiel.”

     “That's so cool! They haven't introduced someone new in forever. Who's playing the role?” Lacey asked Misha who smiled widely.

     “You. You're going to audition right now!” Misha was so excited, you could see happiness radiating off of him.

     “W-what? Really? Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!” Lacey hugged Misha and ran downstairs to tell her parents.
“Mom! Dad! I'm leaving to audition for Tayla in Supernatural! Bye!” Jared and Gen looked at each other and shrugged.

     Misha ran downstairs after Lacey. “I'll tell you later.” He told Jared and Gen. They nodded.

     He jumped into his car and Lacey was already there. “So you're just going to read a script and act like an angel.”

     “Okay. I've always told myself that if I'm ever in Supernatural, I would be an angel. Angels are awesome.” Lacey giggled. She was so excited. Misha laughed at her and turned the radio on, which happened to be playing her pump up song. She belted out the lyrics and Misha smiled and watched her.

     When they arrived on set Lacey walked with Misha hand in hand. They saw the directors and rushed over to them. “So this is Lacey? Everybody's been talking about you.” Lacey smiled politely. “Ready to audition for Tayla?” Lacey nodded. “Alright. Here's the script. Look over it for a few minutes and let us know when you're ready.”

     “Okay. Thank you.” The director nodded. Lacey looked over the script and smiled. ‘This should be easy.’ She thought. “Okay I'm ready!” The director came back over.

     “Action!” He yelled.

     “And who the hell are you?” someone said.

     “Tayla. I'm an angel.” Lacey said matter-of-factly.

     “Great! Another one of those dicks.” The same person said sarcastically.

     Lacey stood taller which represented her showing her wings. “I will not tolerate you speaking to my brothers and sisters in that way!” Lacey yelled.

     “Just like Cas.” The person said again.

     “Castiel is one of my closest brothers. We were both put on a mission. To find devout vessels, and to reveal ourselves to the Winchester's. Castiel revealed himself first while I waited in heaven for my time. Now is my time. You must be told how dangerous the world will become if the war in heaven continues. Castiel has been ordered to stay with you unless an emergency occurs. Do not make this harder than it already is.” Lacey said sternly.

     “Cut!” The director yelled. “There's no question about this. Lacey, you are a phenomenal actress. You will be playing the roll of Tayla.” The director said.

      “Oh my god... Misha!” Lacey went to find Misha. “Misha I got the part!”

     Misha ran over. He picked her up and spun her around in the air. He hugged her and set her down. “I heard you in there! It was very intimidating.”

     Lacey giggled. “That's what the script said!”

     Misha laughed. “Let's go tell Jared and Gen.” Lacey nodded. They drove home and walked inside.

     “I got the part!” Lacey yelled.

     “So that's what that was about. You auditioning for Tayla. You got the part?” Lacey nodded roughly.

     “I got it on video!” Misha yelled. Lacey face palmed. Misha played the video.

     “What happened to my sweet, quiet daughter?” Jared asked jokingly. Gen nodded and laughed. “You're perfect for the part though Lacey.”

     “Yeah. I've been told.” Lacey giggled. “Well I'm tired. Goodnight guys.” Lacey hugged Jared and Gen. She kissed Misha and wished him goodnight. She walked upstairs and got ready for bed.

     Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter! It was a little sad at the beginning but it got better.😉 Thanks for reading!


Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now