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Nine months pregnant

     Lacey woke up earlier than Misha and got up. She decided to make Misha breakfast. She made him chocolate chip pancakes, and just as she put three on a plate, Misha came into the kitchen.

     “Morning baby.” He smiled and looked at her significantly large belly. “And baby.” He chuckled and kissed her belly. “Anytime now.” Misha was extremely jumpy lately and it wasn't helping Lacey or the baby.

     “I know! I need to get this thing out of me.” She gestured towards her belly. “I can barely walk.” She laughed.

     “That's why I'm here. To help my beautiful fiance get places.” Lacey smiled, remembering when she talked to Misha about waiting to get married until after the baby was born.

     She shoved a plate of pancakes at him and told him to eat. He ate and then he went upstairs to get dressed and brush his teeth. He came back down and saw Lacey sitting on the couch. “Hey Lay Lay. Do you want to go to the lake?” Misha asked her. She nodded.

     “Sure Mish! That'd be great!” She slowly stood up and rested her hands on her belly. “Just let me change.” She changed into a swimsuit and put a tank top and shorts on over it, since it was one of the hottest days. She came back downstairs carefully and saw Misha in swimming shorts and a t-shirt. “You're so cute in your swimsuit.” She giggled and he laughed.

     “You look so cute in your tank top that makes your baby bump look even better.” Misha replied and she laughed.

     “I'm not sure a baby bump can look good.” Lacey smiled. Misha shook his head.

     “Of course it looks good. It shows people that you're taken.” Misha winked.

     “Yeah, but it also shows people how young I am to be pregnant.” Lacey's frown turned into a smile. “But it's okay because I am honored to be carrying your daughter around.”

     “She's your daughter too you know. I'm not gonna make you go through nine months of pregnancy, then sixteen hours of labor and just claim her as mine. You worked hard to get to that moment of looking at your daughter face to face.” Misha stated and Lacey smiled.

     “You're too good at pep talks.” Lacey grinned. “Thanks Misha.” Lacey said and he nodded. “Now, let's go to the lake!” Lacey attempted to run to Misha's car, but gave up and started walking again.

     They arrived at the lake and it was like a ghost town. There was no sign of life. “That's weird. Shouldn't it be packed since it's hotter today?” Lacey wondered aloud. Misha shrugged and Lacey shook her head. They set a blanket down and Lacey sat down. Misha shook his head and held a hand out to her. “What?” Lacey asked. She was confused.

     “We didn't come here for you to sit on the blanket the whole time.” Misha stated sassily. Lacey sighed and grabbed his hand while putting a hand on her belly. She stood up and took her tank top and shorts off. Misha pulled his shirt over his head. “You look so beautiful with that baby bump.” Misha said. Lacey blushed.

     “What about those abs?” Lacey said pointing to his abs. He shook his head and chuckled. “They're beautiful!”

     “If you say so.” Misha was flustered. They walked into the water slowly and Lacey grabbed Misha's hand nervously. He looked down at her. “What's wrong baby?”

     “I've never been swimming while pregnant before.” She looked up at him worriedly. His face softened.

     “Don't worry Lace. I heard it was the coolest thing to experience. Try it!” Misha squeezed her hand. She nodded and went deeper into the water. The water was almost at her shoulders and she turned around, eyes wide.

     “This is the coolest thing!” She smiled and waved him over. He came over and laughed. “I don't know how to explain it. It's just... Amazing.” He chuckled and kissed her lips softly. They stayed in the water for a while and they came back in to sunbathe. Lacey laid in the sun for a while but never fell asleep. She suddenly felt warm liquid run down her leg. She sat up abruptly and realized what it was. “Misha!” He shot up and look at her worriedly.

     “What is it baby?” He looked at her face and she looked terrified.

     “My water broke.” She said and Misha stood up quickly and grabbed their spare clothes. He helped Lacey put her clothes on and threw his shirt on. They were both already dry from sunbathing. They jumped in the car and drove to the hospital.

     When they arrived Misha rushed Lacey to the front desk. “She's in labor.” He stated and the doctors rushed over. They brought her to a room and she laid down. The doctors told her that her contractions needed to be closer together for her to actually start the birthing process. Misha squeezed her hand as she groaned from the contractions. He comforted her all the way through.

     About sixteen hours later, Lacey gave birth to her daughter. Misha was crying and Lacey was about to fall asleep.

     “Rest while we get your daughter cleaned.” The doctor told her. She nodded and fell asleep immediately.

     She woke up a couple hours later and Misha was holding her daughter. He saw her awake and smiled. He handed the baby to her. “Did you think of a name yet Mish?” Lacey asked Misha who shook his head.

     “I was waiting for you.” He said and she felt a tear escape. She thought hard on a name and suddenly it came to her. She looked up at Misha with wide eyes.

     “Sofiel. It means angel of nature.” Lacey smiled and looked at Misha. He looked like a child on Christmas morning.

     “That's perfect.” He kissed Lacey's forehead. “Welcome home Sofiel.”

     Hey guys! This chapter was interesting. I love the name Sofiel. It's not a typo! I was looking for an angelic name, and that's what I found. Let me know in the comments section how I'm doing. Thanks guys!

Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now