A New Family Continued

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After Misha put the ring on Lacey's finger, she realized she needed to tell the audience something important. She pulled away from Misha and grabbed her mic. "I, actually, have a surprise for you guys, but Misha already knows." The crowd waited quietly.

"Oh yeah. I'm ready." Misha smiled and waited for Lacey to continue.

"Okay. So I know I might get a lot of hate for this..." She paused and looked at Misha, who nodded. "But it doesn't matter because I love Misha. Anyway, my birthday was a couple days ago and Misha gave me the best birthday present ever. Now... I'm pregnant with Misha's child." The crowd erupted in screams and cheers. Lacey smiled and laughed. When it quieted down Lacey spoke. "Wow! You guys took that a lot better than I thought you would. Thank you." A few people in the crowd yelled "Your welcome!" Lacey walked over to a chair and sat down.

"Now that we are at this point, I feel like talking about our relationship." Misha smiled at Lacey who smiled back. "Lacey is eighteen and I'm somewhere in my forties." The crowd laughed. "But age doesn't matter because we love each other. Yes, we will get hate, but nothing can separate us." The crowd screamed and Misha smiled. He sat down next to Lacey. "Ok then. Questions?" Most of the questions were normal, but when someone asked a question about their characters, it became heart wrenching.

"Hi Misha! Oh my god, you're amazing. So I noticed that Castiel seemed interested in Tayla in the last episode, and I was wondering why they would put another annoying angel in the storyline. Castiel is the best angel in the show, and everyone knows it. We were all fine until they added Tayla. So why did they put her in the story?" The young girl asked sassily. The crowd started yelling disagreements at her.

"Im not answering that question." Misha looked at Lacey, who had tears streaming down her face, and ran over to her to comfort her. "Tayla is the best addition in the story of Supernatural because my fiance is playing the role of her. If anyone else has any questions like that, you can leave because apparently you can't keep your opinions to yourselves." Misha snapped. He put the mic down. "Lacey, baby, are you okay?" Misha hugged her tightly. She nodded and wiped her tears away. "If you need to, you can take a break and wait backstage." He kissed her forehead and she sniffled.

"I'm okay Mish. I should've expected that." Lacey laughed nervously. Misha shook his head.

"No that was far too brutal. I need to be sure that you're alright." Misha looked into her hazel eyes and smiled softly.

"Go back to your panel Mish. They're here for you." Lacey nodded assuring him that she was alright. He nodded and grabbed his mic.

One painful hour later, Misha's panel was over and they could go back to Vancouver, Canada. Misha talked to Jared and Jensen about going home early since they both had panels. They agreed and Misha boarded a plane with Lacey and they headed home.

When they landed, Misha helped Lacey with her bags and they caught a taxi. They were dropped off at Misha's house and Lacey went inside. She sighed contently and dropped her bag to the floor. Misha walked in and chuckled. "Tired?"

"Definitely." Lacey laughed and looked at Misha.

"Well you're staying here tonight so get comfy." Misha smiled and Lacey giggled.

"Okay." Lacey pretended that she didn't want to be at Misha's. Misha laughed and grabbed her bag.

"Go get comfy. I need to talk to you." Misha told her and she nodded. She changed her clothes into Castiel pajamas that she brought to Florida with her.

 She changed her clothes into Castiel pajamas that she brought to Florida with her

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She headed over to Misha and sat down next to him. "What's up Mish?" Lacey said as she made eye contact with him.

"Now that we're engaged, and you're an adult, I thought that maybe you would want to move in with me." He smiled and you nodded.

"Of course! I would love to move in with you!" Lacey smiled and hugged him. "And to think, one year ago I would've never have expected to meet you. Much less be your fiance." She giggled and he smiled. He kissed her lovingly and they had a make out session. She pulled away for air. "When am I moving in?"

"Tomorrow, I think." Misha replied and Lacey grinned.

"Good because I'm not sure how long I'll survive, not living with you." She joked. "Do my parents know yet?"

"Yes I told Jared and Gen about it. They agree that we should live together since you're pregnant and we're engaged." Misha chuckled. "I'm so excited to be a father." Lacey smiled.

"Only nine more months." Lacey giggled. "I'm not sure I'm ready to be a mom." Misha's expression became softer.

"You'll be a great mom. We'll go through it together. I'll be here to help you." Misha said and Lacey calmed down a bit.

"Thanks Mish. I love you."

"I love you too Lay Lay."

Hi guys! This one had some drama in it! Let me know in the comments section what you thought! I feel like speeding this story up a bit so the next chapter should be a few months after this. Nothing interesting will happen within those few months most likely, but if it does, I will state it in the chapter. Thanks guys!

Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now