A Day At Home

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     Lacey looked out the window of the car in silence. She was excited to go back home but she also wanted to stay with Misha. She looked at Jared and decided to talk about everything that's happened. “So I said I would tell you about everything. Including the plane ride.” Lacey told Jared, who nodded. “Right before we boarded the plane, I told Misha that I loved him and he said he loved me too.”

     “Yes! My OTP!” Jared exclaimed.

     “Then we just did normal stuff on the plane. When I went home with him I needed to use the bathroom and when I did, I noticed I was kinda on my period, and I had to ask him for supplies. Yeah that was awkward.” Jared laughed. “Then he asked where I wanted to sleep, and I told him I wanted to sleep in his bed with him.” She looked at her hands.

     “Aww. That's cute.”

     “Then I had to wear his clothes.” Jared chuckled. “That's basically it.” Lacey explained.

     “I can't wait for Misha and Lacey 2.0s.” Jared said.

     “It'll won't be for a while, if ever. Sorry to burst your bubble.” Lacey laughed.

     They pulled into the driveway and Lacey got out of the car. She grabbed her stuff and walked into the house. She saw Gen in the kitchen. “Mom!” Lacey ran over to her and hugged her.

     “Hey Lacey!” Gen smiled. “How was the convention?”

     “It was really fun.”

     “Lacey!” Shep yelled.
     “Hey Shep!” Lacey hugged Shep.

     “Lacey!” Tom said while running over to her.

     “Hi Tom!” He giggled. “I'll tell you about the convention later.” She told Gen. She went to her room to unpack. She unpacked her stuff and walked back down. Tom and Shep were playing and Jared and Gen were talking. Jared looked up at Lacey and smiled. He patted the spot next to him for her to sit. She sat down and looked at them.

     “We need to talk to you about something.” Jared said. Lacey nodded. “So school. You need it right?”

     Lacey shook her head. “I graduated highschool a year early. I was sixteen. I had to stay at the orphanage though because I wasn't eighteen yet.” Lacey explained.

     “Oh! That's cool. You haven't gone to college yet, right?” Jared said.

     “No, but I know what I wanna do.” Lacey said.

     “What is that?” Gen asked.

     “I wanna act. Misha inspired me a while ago when I started watching Supernatural.” Lacey explained. “Misha said he could get me a job.”

     Jared smiled and Gen laughed. “A family of actors and actresses. That'll be fun.” Jared said. Lacey giggled. “I'll talk to Misha about that.”

     Lacey nodded. She walked up to her room and texted Misha.

L: Hey Mish! I forgot to tell you that I already graduated highschool when I was 16. I told Dad that I wanted to be an actress and that you said you could get me a job. He said that he'd talk to you about it so if you could just tell him something good about it, I'd be thankful.😘

M: Of course Lace! You must be smart to have graduated that early! Let's see here... Beautiful, smart, talented, funny... What else?😉

L: Thanks Mish.😊 I really hope Jared's ok with this.😱

M: He's fine. He loves you and he only wants the best for you. Don't worry.😘

L: You're too good at pep talks.😁

M: Yep!😜

     Lacey giggled and her phone buzzed again but it wasn't Misha. It was from her best friend Katherine from the orphanage.

K: Hey Lacey.😒 You should've never been adopted. Especially by Jared freaking Padalecki. You should just go kill yourself so that Jared can adopt me instead since I never got adopted that day. Have a terrible life!

     By the time Lacey was finished reading the message, tears were streaming down her face. Jared walked in.

     “Sweetheart we talked to- Oh my god what's wrong?” Jared ran over to her and hugged her. He rocked her back and forth. When she finally stopped shaking from her sobs, she spoke.

     “K-Katherine texted m-me.” She stuttered.

     “Let me see baby girl.” Jared said. Lacey handed Jared her phone and another tear escaped. “Oh my god.” Jared said under his breath. “It's okay Sweetie. I'll call Misha.” Jared took his phone out and called Misha. “Hey Misha. We have an issue.” Jared paused. “Yeah Lacey got a text message from her friend at the orphanage. Her friend told her to kill herself.” Lacey heard yelling from the phone. “Ok that's fine. Alright bye.” Jared hung up. “Misha's on his way over.” Lacey nodded.

     Misha didn't even knock when he arrived. He opened the door of their house and practically ran upstairs. He bursted into Lacey's room and saw her crying and Jared hugging her. Jared looked up.

     “She's all yours.” Jared stood up and patted Misha on the back. He left the room and Misha rushed over to Lacey. He squeezed her and she hugged back just as tight.

     “Maybe she's right. She never got adopted and I got adopted by Jared Padalecki. She deserves this more than I do. Maybe I should just kill myself.” Lacey looked Misha in the eyes. His eyes started watering.

     “Baby no. I love you. We all love you. We need you. I need you. I can't live without you. She's just upset because she's a fan. Jared and Gen chose you because they want you and they love you. Please don't kill yourself please.” Tears were running down Misha's face. Lacey couldn't hold it in any longer. She started sobbing and she grabbed Misha and started sobbing into his chest. He rubbed her back and started shaking from sobs as well. When she finally controlled her sobs she pulled away and smashed her lips into Misha's. He kissed back and she pulled away a few seconds later.

     “I won't. I promise.” She paused for a second. “Baby.” She added. Misha smiled and hugged her again. They both just wanted to comfort each other, and that's what they did.

     Hi guys! I finally added some conflict! I'm sorry that it's sad, but I felt like it was getting a bit boring. I made it happier in the end though!😉 I'm literally crying right now because of that gif I put at the beginning.😭


Love Knows No Bounds (Misha Collins x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now