Chapter 10

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Sorry this book hasn't been updated in a while...with all the holidays and trying to meet to collaborate, its been hard getting a completed chapter. 

Hope it meets expectations! :)


Logan's POV

I finish getting ready a few minutes before I had planned so I take a few minutes to text Kaylie. I know she's with Maeva right now and I can't help the weird jealousy I have for my best friend right now. I try to brush it off. Afterall, I'll be picking up my girlfriend in 20 minutes to take her on a date.

To Kaylie:

How's it going? Awkward yet?

I hope her answer is yes so that she stops hanging out with Maeva. If they stop, I can too and then I never have to see her again and then I can just focus on my girlfriend. That's what I want. That's what I want. I swear that's what I-

My phone starts ringing and I answer it expecting Kaylie to be on the line.

"Hey. Too awkward to text about?" I laugh.

"What's too awkward?" Charlotte's sweet voice answers, confusion clear.

"Oh Charlotte! Sorry, I thought it was someone else. What's up?"

"I was just making sure you were still coming."

"Yeah of course. I was just about to come over."

"Okay great. See you soon."

Charlotte is my girlfriend. I should only be focusing on her right now.

In the spirit of only focusing on her, I turn my phone completely off before putting it in my pocket. I debate over just leaving it here, but I don't think that's the best idea long term.

After grabbing my keys and the picnic basket from the fridge that I packed an hour ago, I head out to my car to get my girlfriend. My girlfriend, mine.

After a drive practically across our entire town, I end up a Charlotte's door. Like the romantic boyfriend I am, I walk up to her door and knock, waiting patiently for her to answer. When she does, I hand her a bouquet of lilies and lilacs, and give her a kiss on the cheek. Those flowers are Kaylie's favorite... hopefully Charlotte likes them too.

She blushes adorably at my affection and invites me inside so she can put the flowers in water before we head out. I follow behind her, admiring her extravagant house. She tells me that her parents are on a business trip all week, but she doesn't seem too fazed by the idea of staying alone that long.

After she fills a bright pink vase with water, she arranges the white lilies and violet lilacs quickly before taking my hand and pulling me back outside. She locks her door and then follows me to my car where I hold the door open for her.

While we drive to the park near her house, she talks about her day and her plans for the rest of the week, given that the house is in her hands.

"You want to throw a party? Won't your parents be pissed?"

She shrugs and looks out the window. "They won't even notice. They never do."

A silence falls after her confession but I don't know how to make her feel better after that. I'm thankful when we pull up to the park and her happier mood returns. She grabs the blankets I stashed from the trunk while I carry the basket full of food. She chooses a spot near a creek she claimed to wade in as a child. The park is bigger than I thought it was since the playground sits up on a slight hill where the car park is. Down the hill there's tons of grass, and woods, and evidently...a creek. Charlotte's obviously spent a lot of time here since she knew exactly where to take us.

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