Chapter 3

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I stiffen the moment Chris utters that sentence. In an instant, I'd gone from relaxed to ready to pop a cap on both their asses. Instead of my previous leaning position, I stood straight and tall, arms crossed over my chest in a poor attempt to seem more intimidating. "Auntie, why  they want Uncle Quez?" Monte's tiny, smooth voice calls from the living room. "It's nothing, sweetie." I call before closing the door so they can't hear our conversation. The triplets have enough to deal with without being paranoid, like Winter and I.

I look at Chris and August and my eyes narrow. "What do you want with Marquez?" I hiss suspiciously.

A lot of bad things happened the last time someone came to our house asking for Marquez.

I've had a lot taken from me. My mother, the love of my life, three best friends, two older siblings, and even my fucking virginity. But I'll be damned if someone takes my older brother away from me.

"We're not trying to do nothing to him or anything, we just need to talk." August quickly reassured me. I look him in the eyes. A thrill runs through me, but I ignore it. Now's now the time to be fawning over August. I had to make sure Quez was safe.

"Promise me, August. Promise me you're not going to ambush him, or jump him, or shoot him or nothing like that when he comes home." I say quietly.

"I promise you Autumn. We're not going to do anything to your brother.We just want to talk." I can see the honesty in August's eyes as he talks.


I could see that Autumn was really protective over Marquez even though he was older. She didn't want to let us in after we told her that we wanted to talk to Quez, but she also knew I was telling the truth so she let us in anyway.

She told us to sit on the couch while she put her nephews to sleep. Her nephews-Monte, Vonte, and Donte- were looking at us suspiciously.

I don't get what they're getting so worked up about. We just wanted to talk to him. Autumn just tripping, and she passed her paranoid traits on to her nephews.

But damn, she had a nice body.

Thick legs, a fat ass, and curves in all the right places. I couldn't stop looking at her ass. I wanted to smack it.

And don't even get me started on that hair. So long and thick. I wanted to take it out of her ponytail and run my fingers through it.

Autumn's amused voice cut through my thoughts. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." she said, her full pouty lips pulling into a cocky smirk. I rolled my eyes, though a picture honestly didn't sound too bad right about then. She sat on the floor with her nephews begging her to sing them Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Hate that damn song.

But as soon as she sang the first note, I forgot all about the song and the bad memories it held. All I could focus on was her beautiful voice. It wasn't soft or musical, like you'd expect from a tiny thing like her. No, her voice was loud, strong, and soulful. Like Whitney Houston or Tina Turner. My jaw was on the ground.

Her singing was so good that she was putting Chris to sleep along with her nephews.

By the time she finished, Monte, Vonte, and Donte were sound asleep on the floor and Chris was sound asleep on the couch next to me.

"He must not sleep much." Autumn said sympathetically as she draped a blanket over Chris. I shake my head. "Nah, he's always trapping." I reply. Autumn smiles, gazing at Chris with softened eyes before kissing his cheek. My jealousy flares. Why's she looking at him like that? What's he got that I don't?

I mentally slap myself before another Autumn-related thought can run through my mind. What the hell is wrong with me? Why would I be jealous? I don't even like Autumn. Do I? No, no, I don't.

Autumn and I sit in quiet silence for a moment.

Suddenly, she speaks. "How is Marquez doing?" she asks quietly. I give her a weird look. "What you mean? You ain't seen him?" I ask.

She looks away, but I've already seen the tears brimming in her eyes. She shakes her head and takes a shaky breath. "No, he's always trapping, trying to put food on the table. I haven't seen him in four days."

"He was supposed to come home today." she says then shoots me a hate-filled glare, "But now you're taking him away again." she spat bitterly.

I sit there shocked at what she said. And even more shocked when I started to feel bad. I'm taking her brother away from her. Even if it's for a night, who knows when he might have another free day to come home and see his little sister? Besides, with these streets, any day could be your last day.

"Autumn, I'm-" I say starting to apologize.

"Whatever. It's fine August. It doesn't matter. You probably don't give a fuck anyway." she says, getting up and going in the kitchen. She doesn't look angry anymore. Just tired.


I stand at the kitchen counter shaking my head at myself.

I didn't mean to snap at August. My home life isn't his fault. I lost control of my emotions for a minute.

I still can't believe I told him about my home life at all. What's wrong with me? I don't like him. Hell, I don't even know him. And with his rude, arrogant, conceited personality, he's the last one I should be talking to about my feelings - the things I hold dearest to me other than my family.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by the sound of August's voice. "He talks about you a lot, you know." he says. His accent is much thicker than usual, and it causes a deep shudder to run down my spine. I hope, for the sake of my ego and his, that he doesn't notice.

"What do you mean?" I say, turning around.

He's leaning against the door frame and looking at me intensely through his dark eyes. I knew he was sexy, but now he just looks . . . flawless. Like an angel or a mighty hero.

"Marquez talks about you all the time. Always talking about how smart you are. How pretty you are. How strong you are. How proud he is of you. He misses you too." August says as he comes to stand in front of me. A smile involuntarily comes to my face.

"Really?" I ask.

The side of his lips come up into a heart-stopping half smile, and he nods.

God, his eyes are beautiful. So warm and dark and brown. Like melted chocolate. They're so hypnotizing. I find myself wondering why I even hate him. How could you hate anyone who's eyes are so sad and innocent and gentle?

Next thing I know, we were kissing. I don't even remember leaning in.

My arms were wound tightly around his neck and my fingers were playing in his black curls that I loved so much. His arms were like a vice my waist and he was holding me so close to him that I could feel every part of his chest and chiseled and pressed against me. I'd never felt so safe.

His lips were so soft, and I could smell his scent. Weed, money, and rainwater. It fit him perfectly.

The kiss was amazing. So passionate yet so sweet. But, sadly, all good things must come to an end.

August and I were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We jumped apart to see Marquez standing awkwardly in the doorway.


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