Chapter 24

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It's August.

His eyes are open fully, revealing his gorgeous brown eyes that I've seen only in my dreams. He's standing straight and tall, his pearly white teeth shining in the darkness of the strobe lights.

He doesn't wince when he moves. He looks like he never got shot.

We're matching. He has on a black muscle shirt that says Pretty Boy Swag in gold letters, blue jeans, gold Air Force 1's, and a black cross.

He opens his arms, and without hesitation, I run full force into him.

He grunts when I almost knock him over, but then laughs at how tightly my arms are wrapped around his neck.

He puts his arms around my waist, picks me up, and spins me around.

When he puts me back down, I kiss him like there's no tomorrow. God, how I missed those lips.

I vaguely hear the cheering of the crowd around us.

Suddenly, August breaks away from the kiss. Everyone starts singing Happy Birthday in a perfect unison.


Everybody, including me, started singing Happy Birthday to her. She was crying, but I don't even think she realized it.

I've never seen someone look so happy to see me.

My heart swelled with love for this beautiful, abused girl.

When everyone finished singing Happy Birthday, I led Autumn to the stage at the front of the room. I'm going to do something for her that I've never done for anyone before.

I take the microphone and turn to her.

I get on one knee, and everyone gasps.

I pull a black velvet box out of my pocket and open it up. Autumn's eyes are wide, and she looks like she's about to faint.

She probably thinks I'm about to propose.

"Autumn Marie Glassrock, I love you unlike I've ever loved any other woman. You keep me sane. You ain't like the other girls. You're loyal, true, feisty, smart, and beautiful. You've been through a lot, but you still not scared to let love in your heart, and I have mad respect for you for that. You not out here spreading your legs to every nigga that come along and I respect you for that too. You're my everything. My life. My love. My heart. You're the one I'm always thinking about. I wanna love you and protect you and keep you in my arms forever. Words can't even describe what I feel for you, baby. And I hope you feel that same. I know we both too young for me to propose, so I'll do you one better. Would you please give me the honor of you bearing my promise ring?"


Tears leak from my eyes and I nod. He slowly takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto my finger.

I lean down and plant my lips onto his.

Best birthday ever.

The Opposite Attraction: An August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now