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Ever since that day, at the cemetery, I've had a feeling that someone was watching me.

But it wasn't like before, it felt as someone was protecting me. Keeping an eye on me

Which makes me think it had something to do with what that man said...


"What if I told you that everything you know is a lie"

"What are you talking about? Who are you?!"

"You'll know when the time is right"

"P-please..., what do you want?"

"To reveal the truth kitten"

The squeaking of tires, and men yelling, cuts through our conversation.

He grabs my hand, and runs pulling me with him.

He pulls me behind a big bush, his fingers intertwined with mine, as he shushes me.

I shake scared of what is to come, he releases my hand, instead bringing his large pale hands to caress my cheek.

"You'll be okay, I promise"

I hear guys screaming

"Get him!!"

I turn around to see the guy, that was just with me running away, into the cold rainy night.

End of flashback


My alarm goes off, and I lay in bed questioning if my education is worth it anymore.

After turning off my alarm.I close my eyes, falling back to sleep

Then my phone goes off.

I pick it up reading a message.

School, now.

Sleep, now.

I turn off my phone, not caring for
Josh's stupid pranks at the moment.

Just then my phone rings, indicting that I was getting a phone call, I check the caller ID....


So now me and Josh are gonna have to fight


"Get out of that bed and go to school Sage"

It's not josh..

"Who's this? Do I know you? "

"No but I know you.."

I recognize his voice, but from where?

"Man fuck you, you may have a nice voice but that's not enough to make me go to school. "

He chuckles, sending shivers down my spine, but not in a bad way..

"If you don't go to school something bad will happen to you, please just go.. "

Then the person hangs up.

Something bad will happen to you..

What the fuck does that mean?  I guess I could go to school..

"Ight come on Sage, get your ass out of bed!"

I roll off the bed, stumbling over to my closet.

I put on a some comfy clothes, not caring what I look like

I grab my backpack, walking past the mirror.

I stop to look at myself, bags under my eyes, my skin paler than usual. I've been going on walks late at night but it obviously hasn't been helping with my weight..

I sigh, walking out my room

Mom and dad would've been so sad, if the could see me now.

I wish I could move on like Josh... Speaking of him,

"Josh? "

I peak into his room not seeing him, nor did I see him anywhere else in the house. Mater of fact, I don't think I've seen him in a couple days. Oh well, he's grown.


I lock the front door behind me,  turning around to see it raining. Not caring I walk down the street to school, the rain pouring down onto me.

I wish everything could go back to normal, I think as I kick rocks not even bothering to look ahead of me

I just want my parents back.

"Do you know anyone who would've wanted to hurt your parents?"

Do I know anyone? Now that I think about it, I never answered the question, Josh did...did he know something I didn't?


I look ahead of me, I noticed that I'm standing in the middle of the road, my eyes stinging from tears.

A car coming at me not being able to stop because of wet icy road. The car honks at me as it comes closer and closer to me, the driver signals for me to move but I don't, I can't.

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