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In the blink of an eye I'm pulled away from the car, and into an alley.

My breathing is heavy, as I look at my feet thinking about what could've happen if I wasn't just saved from getting hit.

I lift my head up looking at the person standing in front of me, isn't that one of my parents so called friend?


"Hello there Sage"

He says,  he wants something I can tell..

I gulp, my parents ran into a few problems with him and his friends a few weeks before they died. They wouldn't tell me what it was all about, but they said they delt with it.

He's a gang leader, I may or may not have done a bit of research on him after finding out my parents murderer had motive. Josh said to leave it alone though, so I did.

"What do you want?"

I say in shaky breaths.

"Your parents, they owe me a little something, now that they're dead. You have to pay their debt."

He smirks

"I don't have any money.."

"Money isn't what I want, Sage"

He says walking towards me, backing me up against the building wall.

He grabs my face so that I'm staring at nothing but him.

"You good? I was checking to make sure the people in the car were okay. Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner."

A familiar deep soothing voice, interrupts whatever jinyoung was getting at.

"I'll be watching.."

Jinyoung whispers into my ear, then walks out of the alley, bumping shoulders with they guy that 'saved me.'

I turn to look at him, as he pulls his hoodie off letting me see his face.

He was taller than me, maybe about 5'9. His skin a milky color, his almond shaped eyes black and cold, but they didn't scare me. He had a button nose and a round shaped face and he had this intimidating aura to him. His heart shaped lips were a rosey color. And  he was dressed in all black, from head to toe, even his hair was a dark midnight black color.

"Wait, so Jinyoung wasn't the one who pushed me out of the way? Then what was he doing here"

I ask myself

The milky skinned guy walks closer to me

"Are you okay? You look sick. "

He tries to look at my face, but I turn away from him, just wanting to go back home.

He grabs my wrist, turning me back to face him. I wince out in pain as he grabs where I cut.

"Ahhhhh p-please let me go!"

I cry out.

He drops my wrist almost immediately, before picking it back up softer and pulling up my sleeve.

"Why? Why do you do that to your self?"

I snatch my arm away from him

"It's non of your business! Why did you push me out of the way, I didn't ask for your help! You should've just left me!!"

I stopped cutting, but I picked up the blade again after that night at the cemetery, It was all so confusing.

"Let me help you. "

He pleads with me

"No, I don't even know you!"

"But I know you. "

I knew it.. I shake my head not wanting to believe it, but I couldn't deny it anymore. The moment I heard his voice I knew it was the guy from the cemetery, but I don't want it. I want nothing to do with him.

"Stay away from me! I want nothing to do with you! "

I yell at him

"Sage, listen to me your in danger, you already harm yourself, please let me help you so others don't."

He pleads, his cold eyes,  soften as he starts to tear up.

"I do this to myself, I'm not asking for your help!"

With that I turn around and run, far away from all the troubles in my life.

I run until my legs and lungs burn, my clothes soaked and heavy from the rain,  and my face covered in tears.

I can't breath..

my chest-

it hurts so much

I see black spots, I drop.

The last thing I see is a hand grab out for me .

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