Rose Quartz X Reader

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Nowhere To Turn, Except For You~

     It was a rainy day in Beach City. A lone figure was resting under a cherry blossom tree on the property of the Crystal Gems. (Y/N) knew the Crystal Gems quite well, so it wasn't like they were gonna chase her off their property. Unknown to (Y/N), one Crystal Gem was quite attached to them.

(Y/N) Point of View~
      I sighed as I watched the rain trickle down from the sky. Currently I was here because I was escaping my brother. I needed someone to talk to. I needed Rose, but not right now. She was the only one who listens. But I can't turn to her about this. Yes, the others listen. But I know that Pearl doesn't like me because of how much time I spend with Rose.

     I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the person-no monster in front of me. I looked down deeper into hands, until I heard a loud squeal. I quickly looked up when I saw a gem monster, one like Rose described to me. I quickly rushed up and got into a fight stance.

     Apparently the gem saw this as a threat and charged at me. I covered my face and closed my eyes., waiting for an impact. But the impact never came, I looked up and saw a figure with a huge sword and a shield. Rose...She stabbed the sword deep into the gem monster's gut and pulled it out. The monster retreated back into its gem and it fell gently into Rose's hands.

      Rose's bubbled the gem and turns to me. A small frown on her face.

"Why are you out here, (Y/N)?" Rose asked. I avoided her gaze.

"Why are you out here?" She asked again and again, I avoid her burning gaze.

     I heard footsteps, I sighed. 'Good she's leaving.' But I was wrong. Hands were gently placed on my cheeks, causing me to look into her deep brown eyes.

"Why are you out here?" She asked a third time. I pushed her hands away and looked down.

"I-I came here to escape my brother." I responded in a whisper. Rose raised an eyebrow.

"Escape Greg? I thought you two were close?" She asked in a quiet tone. I flinched.

"We were, until..." I paused. "...until, I found out he liked you. I was jealous and I ran out." I looked down, afraid of her rejection.

     I was expecting a reply but instead, heard a chuckle. I looked up in confusion. I saw Rose laughing? I blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I know. You don't like me back. But please, don't mock me. Please..." After I said that tears formed in my eyes. Rose looked down at me.

"Oh, (Y/N). I've always liked you. It's always been you. You stole my heart, besides Garnet told me what you said about me." Rose said with a smile.

I blushed darker. "And what's that?"

"That you always turn to me, and that you would be here. I'm glad I did, if not you would have been injured. We can't have my precious, (Y/N) hurt." She stated and looked up at the rain filled sky. "Let's get you inside, you'll catch a cold."

     Rose walked over and gently lifted me up in her arms. I nuzzled into her neck for warmth. Rose chuckled as she walked us back to the temple.

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