Chapter 1 - Coming To My Senses

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Here is the first chapter of my fanfiction💕, hope you enjoy!

- ellie💖


Jen P.O.V

I wake up, not out of choice but by my alarm. Ugh Monday.

I don't want to get out of bed this morning, this is my last week of school before summer. I make my way downstairs and grab some cereal and milk from the fridge.

I finish my cereal and head back upstairs, my parents have already gone to work so I'm home alone.

I go to my wardrobe and choose what to wear. Luckily, my school doesn't really have a dress code, they don't give a shit basically. I pick out a black crop top and some shorts, I pick up my white converse and slide them onto my feet.

I go into my bathroom and start playing around with my hair. I really want to impress this boy called Josh Hutcherson, he is one of the popular boys and I'm one of the shy girls, but I heard a rumour he might be moving somewhere near my street. I have had a crush on him ever since he started my school which was last year. I talked to him and all but not often.

I decide on going for an Ariana Grande type hair style and then begin with my makeup. I apply my concealer and foundation, set it with powder and then apply my Maybelline Rocket Mascara. I really want him to like me.

Before I know it it's time to leave for school.


Josh P.O.V

I need to leave for school. I have been looking around lately at the girls in my year. Some are cute, I'm trying to focus on the popular girls, but I do want to see if any of the shy girls catch my eye.

I know this girl called Vanessa, she's popular, and recently moved here. I figure I could try her, but I wanna see when I get to school this morning.

"Mum, I need to leave for school, I'm late! Can you drive me?" I shout up the stairs.

"Alright Josh, I know it's your last week, but you can't expect me to drive you everyday! Connor left over 20 minutes ago!" She replies back.

"Of course! My brother is more of a suck up than anyone else I know!"

She comes down the stairs and I'm already out the door, eager to find my new lady. I open the car door and almost hit my dad's car in the process, I hope that my mum didn't see.

10 minutes later


"Hey guys!" I say as I approach my friends. My best friend Sam, nods and puts his hand up beckoning me over.

I jog over and they are discussing girls as usual.

"So Josh, we are just eyeing up a few of the ladies for this summer, see any you like on the way in?" Sam asks.

"Not yet, but I'm on the lookout today," I reply.

"Wow, is that who I think it is?" Liam asks. Liam is one of my other good friends, he knows stuff that Sam doesn't even know about me.

"What? Who?" I ask.

"Oh My God, it is as well," he says.

"Wait, who is it?" I reply.

"That's Jennifer," Sam says.

As I turn around I see one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.


Sorry for the bad start, and don't worry I'm not going to be rushing into anything, I'm not giving anything anyway, and if I get reads on this story I'm gonna be so happy like OMG 🙌

I might update again tonight or tomorrow ☺️

Thank you if you have read this remember to vote and comment 💖

- Ellie

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