Valentines Special

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Even Jake knew at this point, that there was nothing romantic between Winny and Embry. Embry was gay and at this point, even Charlie was questioning if Winny had any preferences at all. Of course she had fawned over boys with Jessica Stanley when they were teenagers, and now she talked to Leah about the boys in the pack, but she never showed any intention of taking it further.

However neither part of the imprint pair had anything better to do, Winny had planned to wait until the day after Valentines day and buy as much discounted chocolate as she could and Embry had been too busy running protection detail to look for a date. So the pair came together at Winny's house, because Charlie had he better television, and decided to watch RomCom reruns and mock the actors. But also appreciate the eye candy the handsome male leads provided.

"Does this count as a romantic comedy?" Embry asked, eyes trained on Ryan Reynolds butt as they watched him in one of the newer superhero movies, Deadpool. "I mean not that I'm complaining because I get to see explosions and abs, but I'm not really seeing how anyone thought this would be a good Valentines Day movie."

Winny, who was also watching the former Green Lantern, shrugged one shoulder and took a sip from her big gulp slushie.

"It works for me," she said back distractedly. Ryan had just been shot in the perfect butt they had just been fawning over, and Winny was trying not to wince.

"I have yet to see the romance," Embry pointed out through a mouthful of popcorn. He hadn't seen the movie, one of the reasons they had stopped on the channel in the first place, so he was quite confused. As said earlier, Sam wasn't giving any of the pack a lot of downtime so Winny didn't have any trouble imagining that none of them had seen of the recent movie releases.

"Wait like three minutes," was Winny's only response.

And of course Winny had been right, like always.

"I bet you're saying, 'My boyfriend told me this was a love story but that one guy just stabbed that other guy like a f*cking kabob."

Winny glanced knowingly at Embry, and the werewolf intentionally ignored her, shoving another hand of popcorn into his mouth and locking his eyes on the screen where Deadpool was in fact, skewering a bad guy with his twin swords.

"And yeah, technically, this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is, a love story. And to tell it right... I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex."

Embry couldn't hold it in any longer and threw his hands up in the air, popcorn still in his hand and going everywhere.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed as Winny lost it and began laughing so hard she started to wheeze. The entire night Embry had been telling Winny he had watched the trailers a thousand times and there was no way that Deadpool would be a love story. Except Winny had disagreed and now they were sitting on Charlie's hideous patterned couch, covered in popcorn, listening to the main character proclaim Winny right.

"I," wheeze, "am not," clutching her stomach because she was laughing so hard it hurt, "cleaning that up."

Embry huffed again and crossed his arms over his chest. They went back to watching the movie and eventually, for embry it seemed like hours later, Winny stopped laughing and just went to smiling smugly. Sometimes Embry hated his imprint.


When Charlie walked into the house several hours later the entire place was dark and the television had been turned off. Of course Charlie knew better than to think that meant that Embry had gone home and Winny was in bed. His daughter had even told him that they would probably fall into a candy coma and pass out on the couch together.

Which is exactly what they had done. When Charlie walked into his living room there was a mountain of blankets on the couch, Winny and Embry had clearly stripped the blankets from her bed and raided the hall closet for more, and the only pieces of teenager poking out was Winny's hand (Charlie found that slightly worrying) and Embry's foot. Their heads and the rest of their bodies were somewhere buried in the blankets and if Charlie had been any other father he would have tried to get their faces out so they could breath. But charlie wasn't normal.

Instead, Charlie turned around and headed up to bed where he had plans to pass out as soon as his head hit his pillow. He ignored the fact that there was a layer of candy wrappers an inch lick surrounding his couch, he ignored the popcorn smashed into the carpet, and he ignored the beer that Embry had snuck out of the fridge earlier. He trusted his daughter (what could she do that her sister hadn't already) and he trusted her friend. He was so busy ignoring that he walked right past his daughters' room, ignoring the fact that Bella was not back from her date with Edward yet.

(Happy [late] valentines day! This has no romance, just like my life.)

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