Trouble in Paradise

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Gibbs and Jake became very close. Gibbs was hoping that befriending Bishops husband would lessen his affection for her. He kept growing their friendship, the team even called them "the best friends". Unfortunately, his plan did not work, the closer he got to Jake the more he saw Bishop and the more his feelings grew. Gibbs even started playing racquetball so that they were doing something without Bishop tagging along. The problem with that is Jake talked about her practically nonstop when they played. Gibbs really needed away to get rid of his feelings for her but nothing worked. Gibbs would never pursue something with her when she was married and Bishop would never cheat on her husband. Neither of them even knew the other liked them and never would have. If only, Jake had as strong of a set of morals as they did.

Gibbs had a bad feeling something was up with Jake. There was a very obvious rift between him and Bishop that the whole team picked up on just by being around her. He just didn't know what exactly he suspected and even if he did he would never mention it. Bishops personal life is her business and he can't really trust his judgement when it comes to her. He just stuck by her and was there for her anytime she needed him.

Bishop had been seeing the all signs and ignoring them. First there was the woman in the cab, than the separation between them that got worse after he got home from Dubai, and finally his secretiveness about why he wasn't at the hotel when the bomb went off but she wasn't going to read into it. She told herself he experienced something traumatic and just needed time. The lunch was too much to ignore though. He was at their old lunch spot with another woman, something was definitely up and she was going to find out what.

Her mind went to an affair first, of course, but Jake would never hurt her like that so it had to be something else. She thought back over everything and realized what was clearly happening, he was in trouble at work. She just couldn't understand why he wouldn't tell her. She needed someone else's perspective. She needed to talk to Gibbs; there is no one she could possibly rely on more than him.

It was almost one a.m., Jake was gone for the night, she couldn't stop thinking about it long enough to fall asleep, and she knew Gibbs would still be up working on his boat so she headed over to his house.

Gibbs is surprised to look up and find Bishop walking down the stairs to his basement so late at night. What could she be doing there at that time of night? Why isn't she at home with Jake? She tells him that Jake is working and he can see she isn't convinced thats where he is. He knew something was up, should he tell her? He can't say that everything is going to be fine because he doesn't think it is but he really shouldn't say anything negative. He decides the best thing to do is be neutral and let her talk it out. He just tries to help her draw her own conclusions. She doesn't know what to suspect so he just tells her to ask him about his feelings. The problem may be classified but his feelings about it won't be.

Bishop decides to take the morning off, with Gibbs' permission, to talk to Jake; she felt it was best not to wait any longer. She is sitting in their place when Jake comes in, her presence surprises him. He almost seems alarmed but she cuts right to the chase, they need to talk.

She tells him how she has been trying to figure out what is going on with him. She says that at first she thought he was having an affair and his facially expression changes immediately. His face reads "I'm screwed." all over it but she continues talking. She says that she realizes he isn't having an affair but he is in trouble at work. She tries to continue but he stops her. He tells her that he is in fact having an affair. She gets up and goes to leave, she is pissed. He follows her trying to apologize and explain himself but it only makes things worse so she leaves.

She shows to work clearly upset and on the brink of tears. The team notices right away and all three of them walk up to her desk. Gibbs asks her if she is okay and she tells them that Jake is having an affair. Tony and McGee are so shocked and are asking her questions and telling her how sorry they are but Gibbs just stands there looking at her. He knows what it feels like to have a spouse cheat on you. He sends her with DiNozzo to get more information about the case, trying to help distract her with work.

She is helping Abby in her lab after she and Tony get back but refuses to discuss Jake with Abby, when she asks about it. Jake shows up looking for her but she is still downstairs with Abby so he only finds a very angry DiNozzo and McGee who highly recommend he leave immediately. He doesn't take their advice and insists on talking to his wife. Gibbs walks up behind him even angrier than the other two. He insists Jake leaves and even walks him to the elevator to ensure he leaves. Gibbs is pissed; he would love to punch Jake for being such an idiot. Any friendship the two had is most definitely gone.

Bishop just focuses on work and thinks about what she is going to do while they wrap up the case. She finally made a decision so she walks up to Gibbs desk. He stops working and gives her his undivided attention. She tells him that she has made a decision and asks if they can talk. She tells him she just needs to get away for a little while and wants to go back to home Oklahoma. He tells her to do what she needs to do and she leaves to get her stuff ready for her long drive.

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