Grumpy Gibbs

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McGee and DiNozzo were loving their favorite blond probie more and more by the day. Whenever Gibbs seemed to be particularly grumpy while working on a case-which was luckily for everyone happening less and less recently-they would do their best to work with him one on one but Bishop had begun practically volunteering so that they wouldn't even have to try to get out of it. They figured she had caught on to the fact they would find a way to make her do it most of the time anyway and just embraced the task but she had actually caught on to something entirely different. Gibbs was a lot less hard on her then he was on the other two in these situations, on a rare occasion he'd even discuss what was causing his particularly bad mood.

She got a little worried that they might be catching on when they thanked her, after a particular case where Gibbs was more... motivated than usual, but then Tony made a comment about her accepting the probie responsibilities much faster than McGee had and she knew that she was at least mostly in the clear.

She had been working with Gibbs on cases like that for weeks before he noticed.

"Why is it that on several cases the past few weeks you have been the only one available to run down leads with me?" he said as they drove to talk to a victims CO on another one of these type of cases.


"Well what Bishop?" he asked only slightly annoyed instead of angry.

"You can get a bit... irritable while we are working on cases sometimes. The guys sorta avoid working alone with you when that happens."

"They do? More than normal? Interesting. Why don't you?"

"Well, I sort of noticed that you get less irritable when it's just the two of us and I enjoy working with you so I guess I just don't really mind and I know they do so I take one for the team.'" She replied chuckling at the end.

"You're saying that you feel better equipped to deal with me then they are because you are my girlfriend?'

"Yeah, kind of I guess."

"Okay." He replied with a shrug, "Let me know if you get tired of "taking one for the team" and I'll remind them that I always catch on to their tricks eventually."

"I don't foresee that happening but I'll be sure to let you know if it does."

They both laughed then he grabbed her hand and held it for the rest of their drive.

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