What's What in Stallion Mage?

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I've gotten a lot of questions about stuff, so I thought I'd answer some of them.

1) Are Laren and Barron related?  Yes.  They are actually brothers from the same mother, though they don't really acknowledge blood ties in the tribe.  Barron is younger, and the same age as Alvarr. 

2) Who's Alvarr's sire?  I don't know.  No one really cares about who sires anyone - which is why Alvarr is so casual about not letting Laren know about the foal.  It's just the way it is in their culture, for good or for ill, especially since the tribes live separately.  Also, children are independent way sooner than normal humans, so parenting is not as important as it is in the human world.  In the tribe, everyone watches and helps everyone.  Individuality is also not as important - horse shifters are tribal and conformist, which makes Alvarr's journey so much more shocking.  I didn't do a great job with this in the first draft, but will revise.

3) Is Alvi Alvarr's ancestor?  Yes.  I hope I made that obvious, but writing serially has the issue of getting details wrong.  I will ret-con all the problems.

4) Is Alvarr carrying a filly or a colt?  You'll find out...

5) Are there other animal shifter tribes in this world?  Possibly.  I mean, it would make sense, wouldn't it?  I actually wanted to write this in modern day on a super special farm, but it became this prehistoric fantasy world.

6) Is Stallion Mage going to end soon?  Soon-ish.  I mean, he's pregnant.  He knows Laren is his mate.  So while it's not going to be as quick as 5 more installments, we are closing in on the problem-solving arc, not in the rising action, as my English teacher would say.

Now, back to Stallion Mage!  I'm at Starbucks and am not leaving until I've gotten 3000 words in a rough draft.

Now, back to Stallion Mage!  I'm at Starbucks and am not leaving until I've gotten 3000 words in a rough draft

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Stallion Mage: A Horse Shifter Mpreg Romance (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now