Stallion Mage Characters: Alvarr & Laren

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Believe it or not, I was busier in the summer than the fall.  I'm a student that deliberately takes things easy for balance in my life.  It'll take me longer to finish school, but this way I can have a life OUTSIDE of school, you know? 

Now that I'm back in a fall schedule, I've been revising Stallion Mage and really filling out the characters.  Here are the first 2 character profiles; Alvarr & Laren.

ALSO!  I have 'realistic' coat and eye colors, but I can change this - especially the eye color.  Most horses have brown eyes, and the lighter-eyed horses look FREAKY.  But what do you think?  Should I change the eye colors to something less realistic?  I'm keeping the coats the same; a purple horse is TOO My Little Pony.  Yeah, no...


A rare stallion earth mage, the first in remembered history, who has 'crossed over' to the stallion tribe at age 18 for about a year before the story begins.  Human age: 19.

Power: earth mage. Can grow plants and channel Nature's power.  Can also channel raw life-force to others, but it's his life-force and hurts him.  Though it gets 'recharged' by Nature, it takes a lot out of him.

Personality: life-preserving, persistent, loyal, honest. Conflict averse, though, and wants to not harm anyone or cause disharmony.

Growth: Weak -> independent, unconfident -> confident. Reactive -> proactive.

Backstory: Born of Mare-Mother Quirina, the greatest mare healer in remembered history, and an unknown stallion during the Time of Mating, Alvarr is a small stallion who was born with great mage powers, even at birth. His strong ability as an earth mage, with the power to grow and manipulate the earth, led most of the other children to fear him. He did not receive much training from his mother, as she was in high demand as a healer, and training her healer students.

He had friends in the way that children meet up at the park, casual and temporary, but did not form lasting bonds, especially as his power grew. The herd mentality meant that his unusual self meant he was a threat. Before he left for the stallion tribe, though, his mother told him the story of his birth and of his worth as a mage, which confused him greatly. While he was sure that Quirina did love him, he was cut loose in a sea of stallions which feared him because he was an unheard-of mage.

Worse, the leader, Laren, seemed to ignore him (which he was used to from the other tribe) or be deliberately unfair (the ostracism instinct), which Alvarr knows is not what a leader is supposed to be.

Deepest desire: To be accepted in the stallion tribe.

Strongest motivation overall: Preservation of life, even at the cost of his own. He is a paladin type, wielding magic for the sake of all.

Alvarr's forms:

Horse: Small and delicate, almost a runt. Reddish brown coat with a white mage-stripe from forehead to nose. Mane is lighter red, very unusual, makes him stand out. Brown eyes.

Human: Also small and delicate, with pale skin and the same color hair as his mane, a red-orange. Also has light brown eyes. His hair grows uncontrollably longer because he is an earth mage.



Chosen to be the stallion leader by Nature when the last leader, Julto, died of romeya, to the tribe's shame.  Laren is very young to be leader, has only been with the stallions for 5 years. Human age: 23 (they cross over around 18.)

Power: Nature's Order. Can put compulsion on his fellow stallions for the sake of tribal survival.  The stallions have an instinct to obey him.

Personality: responsible, traditional, honorable, sensual. Change averse. His character archetype is a traditional leader who takes care of his people.

Growth: Rigid -> adaptable. Cold -> emotional. Unconfident -> confident.

Backstory: It was no surprise when Laren was chosen by Nature to become the next stallion leader. Though very young, he adhered to the stallions' way with respect for tradition and deep desire for order. Inside, though, he quaked with fear at the thought of so many older stallions looking up to him, so he followed the rules exactly.

Before he became leader, he was quick and strong, helpful in emergencies, and quicker to smile. When he became leader, though, all that changed, seemingly overnight. The spread of romeya did not help; even before Alvarr came to the tribe, it was getting harder and harder to find places to graze that weren't tainted.  Being sensitive to Nature before he was leader, he knew something was really wrong.

When Alvarr crossed over, Laren was acutely struck by how lonely he was. Then 4 years into his leadership, he had isolated himself and spent his time on the tribe's order and survival. In that first unguarded moment, he saw Alvarr as something special, his destiny. But afraid of change, he pushed Alvarr away, especially when he noticed how much discord the stallion mage had introduced into the tribe simply by being different.  His philosophy was to let Alvarr alone, not show him favor or attention, and let Alvarr find his own way or perish.

Deepest desire: To keep order in the tribe and do his job well for everyone's survival.

Strongest motivation overall: The tribe's survival as a whole, even if it means sacrificing individual lives... even his own.

Laren's forms:

Horse: Large and athletic. His coat is tan with dappling on the withers, and his mane is dark brown. Gray eyes.

Human: Also large and well-muscled, though not the largest of the tribe, he emanates an aura of strength given by Nature, with tan skin and dark brown hair.

Stallion Mage: A Horse Shifter Mpreg Romance (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now