C h a p t e r - F o u r

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"Will you be coming to the diner?" Melisa asked and I shake my head "Can't, sorry" I apologize and she rolls her head "No need to apologize" she said and I nod my head 

"It's just that I'm busy with my Mechanics project after school" I explained and she nods her head "Oh ya, but don't you have a partner as well?" she asked and I nod my head excitedly "Yes, and I was able to convince him" I skipped, smiling "Who?" she asked curiously and I toy with my charm bracelet 

"Kaiden" I whisper and she drops her milkshake, causing it to splash all over the ground "Melisa!" I gasped taking a step back and she looks at me with wide eyes "Are you-?!" she stops, looks around noticing the looks we're getting from the students around us and pulls me to the girls' bathroom, locking the door behind us

"Are you insane?!" she snapped 

"Why?" I ask confused and she slams her head against the wall "Carley, he's bad news and I don't think you will be able to handle his shit" Melisa snapped and I keep quiet "Carley, I love you with all my heart and I will protect you till my last breath but with him in the scene you-"

"Melisa, it's just a project nothing else" I chuckled and she shakes her head "Fine" she snapped "But if you ever think of running away with him to Mexico to sell drugs along with him, then I'm going to punch you so hard" she hissed at my face and I smile 

"Nothing's going to happen" I laughed and she shakes her head

I know she means well, and I love her for that 

"I'll catch you later, okay?" I said and she nods her head and we both head out of the bathroom, in different directions 

"Hey girl" Stacy's voice yells from behind and I smile, turning to her "Hey, I haven't seen you all day" I said and she groans "Business is stupid" was her answer and I chuckle "I told you,if you ever needed help then I'm here for you" I reminded her and she nods "That's why I needed to talk to you" she said and I wait for her to continue

"So we are having this project, a powerpoint presentation to be exact and the topic is about Product and Productivity" she explains and I nod my head "And you know that I'm really bad in Business, so I was wondering if you could do the powerpoint, explain it to me so I can present it in class" she asks and I bite my lips "I would like to help you Stacy but I have my mechanics project and-"

"Come on Carley, don't be selfish" she said and I bite my lower lip "You're good in business, you already did it last year" she said and I sigh 

"When do you need it?" I ask and she smiles 


"B-but, that's not pos-"

"Look I've got to go, we'll meet up tomorrow early in the morning so you can explain to me what you did in the powerpoint, Bye" she laughed and jogged the other side. I run my fingers through my hair and walk through the second corridor

I guess I have to head to the library to get this year's business book but first I really need to speak with my Art teacher, if I'm still at her bad side because of what happened with the inspector, then there is no way in the gummy world will she write me the recommendation letter I need fo-


"I can't help you if you're not improving nor trying to improve in Physics" I hear my old professor scold Kaiden in one of the classes, I bite my lips and walk towards the class, peaking through the door window "I will f***ing do it!" Kaiden snapped slapping his hands on the table "This is your last chance. You better study for my next week's exam because I will not accept anything lower than a B grade" the professor Chancler said

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