C h a p t e r - E l e v e n

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I sigh for the third time and rest my head against the swing chain that I was slowly swinging on, feeling lonely and slowly moving my legs back and forth to move the swing. I don't really have friends, even though I talk to all my compañeros de clase they're not really my friends

I softly hum my favorite song, with my eyes closed and my head tilted backwards. I wish I can fly!

I giggle an-

"You could fall" a voice stated from beside me, causing me to stop the swing as I dig my legs inside the sand. I face the boy next to me and smile

He's cute

"Hola" I greet him and he frowns "Mi nombre es Am-"

He groans and walks away "This place sucks"

"Wait-" I call out for him "You don't understand Spanish?" I questioned and he almost smiles "You can speak English!" he exclaimed and I nod my head "Si, my mother is american" I stated proudly and he nods his head "Thank God, do you know how boring it is for me here? No on speaks English" he snapped and I take a step towards him "It's okay, we can be friends" I suggested and he smiles

"You look small, how old are you?" he asked and I hold out seven fingers "Seven, and you?" I repeated his question "Eight and a half" he puffed his chest up and I giggle "Are you new here?" I ask him and he nods his head "Sort of, my dad and I flew here yesterday from California, because dad has work here"

"That's so cool" I jump and take his hand pulling him under the tree. We both sit down and I cross my legs "I've never been in an airplane, mama and papa said that we might go to America soon, but I'm not sure" I said and he smiles

"You have nice hair" he complimented blushing 

"It's just brown" I reply softly, trying to hide my blush and he smiles "It's still beautiful"

"Um-d-do you have friends back in Cali?" I ask nervously and he nods his head "Ya, we play every Saturday football together but I guess we won't be playing this Saturday" he frowned again and I take his hands "Maybe we can together" I suggested "Only if you want" I added and he smiles

"Bebé" my mama's voice called from a far and I bite my lip, before standing up "I'll meet you here again, right? Tomorrow?" I ask and he smiles "I'll be here the same time as now, I'll get the ball as well" he said and I nod my head smiling


"I have to go now, bye!" I wave and he smiles "Wait-" he called and I turn around to face him "What's your name?" he asked and I smile "Maybe I'll tell you tomorrow" I try to wink like my cousin and he smiles

He pushes his hair from his eyes and takes the few steps towards me, kissing my cheek

"-ey, Carley!"

I shake my head and lock eyes with Melisa "What's up with you?" she asked and I shake my head "Nothing sorry, what were you saying?" I ask and she links her arms with mine as we walk towards our lockers "I'll be spending the next few days at your place, alright?" she asked and I give her a light push "Since when do you have to ask, we're sister" I stated and she smiles

I pull out my locker card and scan it as Melisa does the same, I place my textbook inside and turn my attention back to Melisa, but before I could ask her anything, I freeze as my eyes slowly traces the bruise at the side of her neck that was hiding behind her hair "Melisa"

"What's up?" she asks and I slowly push her hair back and she freezes "Carl-"

"They did it again" I whisper as the tears start filling my eyes "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask while tracing the bruise and she flinches, taking a step back "Melisa, even mom told you to come and stay with us, to leave your house" I said and she sighs

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