"Carley you're ruining it!"
"Rain, what I'm doing is correct" I insisted as I added a bit of purple to the canvas "Carley, you add one more drop of purple and I will poke both your eyes with the fork I'm using right now" Rain hissed from behind me "You're not even helping, you're eating the spaghetti, the least you could do is leave the entire thing to me without interfering" I said sweetly and she smirks
"If I didn't know any better, I would say that this comment was a bit rude" Rain said jumping of the chair and walking towards me as I roll my eyes "I didn't mean it rudely if that's what you're thinking" I said and she chuckles "Trust me, you can threaten anyone and he'll be just standing there thinking you're complimenting him" she said and I smile
"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing to you" I said and she shakes her head "It's good" she said and I smile "-to some extent" and my smile drop "You're doing the same thing Melissa is doing" I said placing the brush on the table "Because we love you and we're worried about you. Too nice is not that nice" she said and I walk towards the kitchen
"I really don't want to have this conversation"
"Okay, I heard that you have been in trouble today" I heard her say from behind me and I almost drop the cup "What? Who told you that?" I asked walking towards her "It's all over our grade. The girl who messed with him" she announced like a reporter
"Everyone knows?" I whisper and take a step back
"He won't like this"
"Kaiden? Don't worry about it. I heard that he doesn't like anyone but his friends and that's it" she said to calm me down and I swallow "I also heard he's hot, so I'm looking forward to meeting him the next time he tries killing you" she sang, jogging out of the kitchen
"It's not funny!"
"It kind of is" she laughed from outside "Wait-don't go around calling guys hot, you're fifteen" I said walking out of the kitchen with the glass of water "You're right, I shouldn't be calling him hot at this age" she said nodding
"-I should have made my move by now" she said going upstairs "Wha-Wait, that's not what I meant" I yelled from downstairs "That's how I understood it - oh and you should be done by the canvas because I need to submit it tomorrow"
I shake my head with a smile and walk towards the canvas
** **
"Mechanics is not an easy subject, and anyone who is going to take it lightly will fail it" Mr Daud said slamming his papers on the table "Personally I don't like giving my students projects as these are easy marks, but since it is compulsory, you all should know that I will be very strict when grading those papers"
"The files that are being distributed among you have your assignment along with your partner's name at the right top" Mr Daud explained as he passed the files walking between us, placing a pink file on each table
"The project will help you in your mocks predicted grades, so if you're planning on scoring at least a B, you should do very well in this" he snapped
I pick my file and read the assignment
Staircase Climbing Trolley
Write a paper with 4500 to 5000 words describing and explaining all about the Staircase Climbing Trolley. Demonstrations are required along with graphs with full accurate information data
I sigh nodding my head as I read it softly "What's your topic?" the girl next to me, Samantha asked and I flip my paper showing her "Oh my God" she gasped placing her hand over her mouth "What's wrong?" I ask as I flip the paper and re-read my assignment
"Your partner" she whispered and my eyes move to the top right corner
Kaiden Tanner
Without thinking I turn my head to face the back of the class to find him already stari-glaring at me
I swallow softly as I notice the side of his lip curve into a smirk as he shakes the file mouthing "Hello Partner"
** **
"I know you and I have not started on the right foot, so I thought - why not restart our entire first meeting?" I suggested as he bends down again and starts working on his car, under the hood
"I know that you don't like me for some reason, but I promise you that you and I can be good friends and this project will be a piece of cake for both of us" I continued "And then you wo-"
"Jesus! Shut up" he snapped turning his body to face me "Don't you ever shut up?" he asked and I swallow taking a step back "I was just trying to explain-" but again he cuts me off "Again with the talking. Okay, listen here shortie. You and I are never going to be friends, second of all that start up shit you were talking about is another piece of bullshit and lastly who said that I'm going to actually work on this project?"
"But-but it's worth a lot of our grades an-"
"And does it look like a care?" he asked taking a step towards me "Yes?" I answered with hope and he gives me a blank look
"Go home shortie"
"Okay okay wait up, how about we give it a try?" I suggest and he groans throwing his head back "It's like talking to the wall" he groaned
"Okay, look I knew that you were going to act like this, so-" I smiled as I pulled my bag "I left the school grounds at the break and got you this" I said as I pulled it out of my bag. For a second I can see his body freeze, his eyes take a look at my hand and then back to my eyes and again back to what's in my hand
"Is this a joke?" he asked, looking around him
"Nop, this is for you" I smiled and pushed it towards his chest, he raises an eyebrow and looks at it again
"This sure as hell is a first. What the f****?" he cursed and I tense
"Listen shortie, you're getting on my nerves. I don't know what the hell you heard about me but one thing for sure is that-"
"Please" I begged softly "After this project I will never disturb you again, just give me this chance" I said softly and he sighs "You'll follow my rules" he started "Tomorrow, after school - your place"
"YES!" I jumped throwing my bag on the floor and he raises an eyebrow "First rule, don't that again" he said and I clear my throat as I pick my bag and stand straight "Right, I mean cool" I said deepening my voice, for a second there I thought I saw a small smile
"And don't ever get me this or in fact don't get anyone this" he said pointing at the bouquet of flower I got him. I smile, biting my lower lip and nodding my head, he stares at me and his eyes travel at my chin for some reason before shaking his head and slamming the hood of his car shut and walking towards the driver seat with the bouquet still in his hand

His Girl
Fiksi RemajaShe has got the eyes of innocence, A personality of a dreamer, And the face of an angel. He's got the bad attitude, The blank cold expression, ...