C h a p t e r - N i n e

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"Aaron, what are you doing here?" I asked confused, watching his movement and he smiles "Can't I greet my sweet partner?" he asked and I smile rolling my eyes "Good morning, how was your weekend?" I asked and he shrugs 

"Pretty boring" he answered "Or maybe I couldn't enjoy my weekend because I didn't get to see you" he said and I couldn't help the smile 

He's a sweet guy 

"Aaron, I don't think having me around would make a difference" I stated and he chuckles "Maybe you should spend sometime with Carley and you would know" he joked and I shake my head 

"Valentine you better have a good reason for leaving me behind in that cla-oh hey!" Melisa smile greeting Aaron "Wait, the a****** isn't here is he?" Melisa asked looking around us and Aaron starts laughing "You mean Mason?" he asks "Ugh even his name sound stupid, and yes I mean mayonnaise-ow!"

"Don't be rude Melisa, he was so nice when we went and sat with them last time" I reminded her and she rolls her eyes "Ya nice, for an a**" 


"Okay fine, anyway's why did you run so fast out of class?" she asked and I stand straight "Shoot! I have Paper 2 Chemistry mock, I'll see you both later" I offered both Melisa and Aaron a smile, and ran as fast as I can to my Chemistry class

I walk towards my usual seat to find Stacey sitting next me "Don't you always sit at the back of the class with the cheerleaders in Chem?" I ask confused and she sighs "Ya, but we have our mock today, so-"

Stacey sitting at the back of the class with the other girls kind of did hurt me at the start, since I have no close friends in this class, I expected that she would sit beside me but ever since the cheerleaders switched classes and joined here, Stacey would ditch me and sit with them 

"I didn't really study" she said softly and I place my bag and take my seat "Why didn't you study? You know it's an important test" I stated. 

Chemistry was never my best subject, I never liked it. Although to keep my GPA high and my scholarship I had to try my best, yet my best is not so good when it comes to Chemistry 

"I know, but an emergency came up and I didn't study yesterday" she said "What happened? Are you okay?" I asked worried and she nods her head "Ya ya I'm good, but I was just wondering if you would let me cheat of your paper besides it's a multiple choice paper" she said and I bite my lips 

"Stacey you know that I don't know how to help someone to cheat off, of me" I reminded her and she nods her head "Ya, I know. It's pretty simple, besides all you have to do is not cover up your paper and I will do the rest, cool?" she smirked and I hesitate "What if Mr Frank figures that we did that?" I whisper and she smiles, with a glint in her eyes 

"Don't worry about him, besides I will change a few answers here and there to make it seem that I didn't cheat from your paper" she said


"Come on Carley stop being so selfish, do you want me to fail or something?" she asked and I shake my head 'no'

"Then do as I say" she ordered and I nod my head

I know cheating is a normal thing in high school, middle school or any school really, but I never knew how to do it right, I did try once back in middle school and ended up getting caught, both mum and dad were very disappointed. And I never wanted them to be ashamed of me, so I never did it again 

"You have forty-five minutes, you will have to shade your answers in the answer sheet, and if I find anyone cheating then both your papers will be thrown straight to the dustbin" Mr Frank announced and I swallow softly

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