Love me tonight.

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I'm too young for this. 

At barely seventeen, I'm too young to feel a love so deep that it hurts. Screw what all the movies and romance novels say.

I glance at my phone just in time to see a text arrive. 

-Are you there?-it says simply, the number has no name but I immediately know who it is. why wouldn't I? I had only just deleted this very number yesterday. 

I set my gaze to the ceiling, feeling my eyes water as our last conversation replays in my head. 

Just let it be. He had said to me after sending me the song Let It Go by James Bay.

 He did that a lot, let music speak for him. And in a way it was better, that song said all the words he couldn't say for himself. I don't know what I would have done if he had used his own voice.

My phone lights up with a soft ding, signifying the arrival of a new message.-Please, I know you're there, you never fall asleep before midnight-It reads and I sigh, hating how much he knows me. 

We were bestfriends first, before anything more and that's why it hurt so much when he told me it was over, ofcourse he hadn't actually said it, he'd used the song. But it was enough. 

I battle with my better senses, if I reply, the last few days of ignoring him will be for nothing. I don't know if its the silent night, the moon shining dimly through my window or just how much I miss him, but I grab my phone and send him a reply. 

-I'm here-I tell him and he replies almost immediately. 

-look out your window-

I all but jump out of bed and look outside, as expected, there he is. Leaning against his motorcycle, deathtrap, my mom had called it. He gives me a small wave and types into his phone. Another ding.

-Come down-It reads and I give him a skeptic look. 'come on' he mouths and I am quick to replace my pajamas with a pair of jeans and a shirt, slipping my jacket on as I walk out the door. When he sees me he stands up straighter, I stop when I reach him, not sure what to do, but he pulls me into a hug. 

And I hold on to him for dear life. 

When we finally break apart, he stares into my eyes. I expect him to say something about the last few days. He doesn't, instead he whispers:

"Just love me again tonight. You can hate me tomorrow, but tonight...." he trails off. 

 Words have trouble leaving my mouth, but I don't try too hard to speak. 

 He hands me a helmet and helps me buckle it in before slipping on his, the motorcycle hums to life. I don't bother asking where we're going. We can drive all night and I will be content right here.

way too young....

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