Part 9

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I feel someone caressing my arm up and down slowly. I flutter my eyes open to see an all to familiar hand .. Whitney's.

We both smile when we look at each other .

"Hey" I say lowly wiping my eyes and sitting up ,she shifts from my chest and to her pillow . I turn to the side and see that the sun is coming out.


I was supposed to be home. My parents are probably worried and I don't want to worry them. I look around for my phone and it isn't anywhere in sight. I stand up and find my ..well Denzels jeans on the floor,in the back pocket is my phone.

I switch it on and see that I've got dozens of missed calls and messages from my parents.

"Shit" I curse running my hand through my hair.

"What's wrong baby?"Whitney comes to me.

"My parents are probably worried about me I-"

She placed her hand in my face making me shut up " are 21 ..not 16 ,your acting like a big baby right now,your an adult ,your parents don't control your life ..give no fucks"

I stare at her thinking...shes right . I soften my look as she embraces me.

Give no fucks

"Shower?" She whispers,I nod.

Harmony's point of view

I get home exhausted from the gym and a little freaked out about the bathroom scene with Jay. She just happened to enter when I was coming from a shower,I don't blame her because I wasn't supposed to be roaming around naked,I thought I was alone. Aside from being freaked out,I wanted her to see me in that state. Part of me did

I really like Jay a lot but she just doesn't know what I'm in for if I let her advance on me. She's so sweet and kind,she's got a soft heart and killer looks . She doesn't boast and I like that about her. I just wish I could let her and I have a chance but I can't..

My family would disown me

The tournament starts the day after tomorrow and tomorrow in the evening we have a dinner at Jay's father's place ,they just basically tell us what's coming up and how much money is involved etc . Very important people will be attending since they find kickboxing fascinating although it is illegal..

I close the door and turn around . I see my grandfather on the couch wearing spectacles reading a news paper. I mumble a greeting but he stops me with his irritating voice.

"Harmony are you coming from that gym again " he snapped.

My grandparents never supported my decision of kickboxing ,they hated it with a passion because it's not 'lady like' but what they don't understand is that I have a passion for it and it's my favourite hobby .

One of my goals this season is to steal the championship title from that Whitney girl, apparently she's a beast, she knocked out a lot of people last year and gave no mercy on them. Me included. She's arrogant and boastful and strikes fear in the hearts of her opponents including me but from the day I saw her with Jay that ended.

My thirst to beat her grew and I just wanted to kill her. When I saw her kiss Jay I nearly died , Jay was reluctant at first and it broke my heart when she kissed back. It was clearly a kiss of lust ,I didn't notice any love .

Well I think I didn't

"So what if I am " I replied agitated.

He frowned then faced me ,he stood up walked towards me his presence not making me flinch at all.

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