part 15

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Jay's point of view

I open my eyes and see that I'm in my bed,I know I was in a deep sleep because my body is weak and I feel like I've been crying all night long. I sit up a bit but I groan when I try to because pain oozes through my hands when I lift myself off the bed.

I lift them up and see that they are bandaged up then it hits me, everything that happened yesterday,the whole Whitney and Devin situation,who ever thought that my own brother would scoop this low.

To fuck my ex girlfriend when I was dating her? That bruised me ,I'm just disappointed. I sigh to myself shaking my head. Somehow I'm not as angry ,instead I feel this type of joy in my heart and I furrow my eyebrows to myself in confusion. Am I not supposed to be angry?

But then I remember

Harmony made me feel a lot more calm and flashbacks of how I got into bed yesterday come back to me.


I cried everything out as she hugged me ,I just couldn't help it,I was broken and I needed to let everything out. Her touch just made me cry even more as I gripped her tighter. I needed someone and she was here. She was there for me . And I appreciated it.

After I couldn't cry anymore I was sure that my eyes were blood shot red ,as if I was crying for a week or so. Harmony looked down at me but I kept on hugging her ,I didn't want her to go anywhere. I didn't want to be alone.

Yes I know I sound like a kid but I don't care at all.
Harmony tries to pull back but I don't give her access. I want her close.

Her hands lay on my head and she tells me something I wanted to hear.

"I'm here don't worry" she whispers to me. Her fingers stroking my hair.

I finally loosen my grip on her and I look up at her,she cups my face with both hands and then takes my hands trying to lift me up but I wince because of the pain. I know I was stupid to hit the wall but I needed to let out some air.

She looks down at my hands examining them and frowns before helping me up with my arms instead. My mind was gone ,how could my brother Devin do that to me honestly,we are supposed to be family and he does this?

I am so ashamed to even call him my brother ,as a matter of fact he isn't my brother from now on,I detest him.

"You need to take a shower and sleep" Harmony's smooth voice tells me.

Instead of being angry I find myself agreeing and nodding my head ,it's as if she can control me ,she actually can and I can't help it. But at the same time my body feels numb I don't wanna move.

She notices this so she tugs on my shirt wanting to remove it,my eyes landed on her wondering what she's doing.

"Don't worry I don't wanna have sex with you" she chuckled.

"That's a shame because,I wouldn't mind if you actually did" I tell her.

She looks at me submissively and in slight shock at what I just said. I see lust flashing in her eyes and nervousness as well.

I chuckle and I remove my shirt. Her eyes immediately fall to my upper body,she's roaming her eyes down my strong biceps,broad shoulders,strong arms and refined pack that has a vline going down to my private parts.

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