Part 19

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"are you serious!?" ,Devin asked unconvinced. We are standing outside the restaurant and staring at my red Lamborghini which was sexy as fuck.

"I'm serious bro "

As he checked it out he was impressed. He came over and hugged me,I hugged him back,"your set for life"

"Yeah, I'll tell mom and dad tonight over dinner don't tell them anything please,I want it to be a surprise"

He nods but saddens a bit," so this will mean you're going to leave me and move to California?"

I sighed," I guess so bro. But you can always come and visit me and I will visit you as well."

"Yeah that's true though,have told Harmony yet?",

I shook my head,"no ,I was planning on bringing her for dinner today. Ok you know what. I have an idea"

He folds his arms and gives me a curious look,"which is?"

"Go home,tell mom and dad to dress up,we will be having dinner here"

He smiles ," look at you all money now"

I laugh and shove him playfully.

"Where are you off to now?" ,He asks me.

"I have to go shopping for proper work clothes and I have to look for an estate agent"

"When are you planning on moving out?"

"In two days or so"

"That fast?",he asked surprised.

"Yeah man ,what's the wait for?"

"More like what's the hurry for?"

"Yeah whatever man"

"Aiit let's go "

"Let's?" ,I ask confused.

"Yeah dude,I have taste unlike you ,you need your lil brother to help you out"

"Weren't you fucking some chick before I called",I chuckled as I leaned against my car.

He shrugged,"she can wait ,let's go bro"

He got into my dad's car and I slipped in my Lamborghini,just sitting in it made me feel as if I was a millionaire although I hadn't reached that level yet. I closed the door and followed behind Devin to the bank.

When we arrived ,I cashed out the money and followed Devin,as I was driving I decided to call Harmony. She picked after 4 rings.

"Hey baby..miss me already" ,I hear her melodic voice.

I smile ,"of course I do,do you mind coming with me to the mall"

There was a pause." Mall? What clothes do you wanna buy?"

"Dress shirts and all"

She laughed,"why on Earth would you want dress shirts?"

"Baby just come with me please"

She pauses again."where are you?"

"I was on my way to the mall,do you want me to pick you up or you'll find your way there?"

"Come get me"

"Alright give me 10 minutes, I'll be there"

"Ok baby"

"I love you"

"I love you ",she replied before I cut and made a turn ignoring the horns Devin was blowing. I headed straight to the gym , I parked outside waiting for Harmony.

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