Chapter 4- Sticks and Stones

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Traitors POV

"How is Ash alive?!" Serena shouted "We saw his body!"  "It doesn't matter!" May retorted "We will just crush him and his "League" and remind him how pathetic he is."  The other traitors nodded. Then walked of there rooms and got on the elevator. They then noticed someone on the elevator and smirked.

Ash's POV

"Well, Well, Well." Serena said in a wicked tone. "Look who it is."   Everyone then looked at me and glared "What do you want?" I shot back. "We went you to give up!" Trip shouted "Yeah you are weak!" Kiawe added on "I bet your league is also weak!" Max finished "Max first off, if you can't beat one of my gym leaders than you stand no chance against my elite four, let alone me. Second off my league is not weak. They could beat your whole team with just one Pokémon." I sneered. "You'll see soon enough." Before they could reply the elevator opened and I walked out to see the matchups. I looked through the list until I found my name. It was Jade and I vs Diantha and Malva. "My first battle and it's against the Kalos champion." I thought "this will be interesting." I then walked away to go train with my League.  My match was in 5 hours. 

*10 mins later*

"Sorry I was late guys." I said in a apologetic tone. "I ran into some people on the way here."  "Did you?" Jasper asked "Or were you to busy mak-" Elizabeth than flicked his ear. "You're fine." Elizabeth replied. "Yeah let's just start the training." Gabriel added on.

*2 hours later* I'm to lazy to do the training dialogue.

"Alright nice job guys." I complimented "No we just-" I then got cut off by the most annoying voice possible "Well look who we have hear, Ash and his band of weaklings!" Serena snarled. "Who are you calling week!" Tempest retorted. "We're calling all of you weak!" Max added on. "You should all leave this loser." Lili finished and then pointed to Ash. "Ok let's get something straight." Blaze started "Don't.Disrespect.Our.Champion" Brook added on "Because if you do you'll get a hell of a beat down!" They finished in unison.  "You wanna bet, Mr. Goodie two shoes?!" Dawn shouted. "Oh no she didn't." Lola stated "She did." Dan finished "Pokémon battle right now, Fire boy!" Dawn shouted "The names Blaze ya blue haired bitch!" Blaze retorted. 

Ash- This will be a one on- ya know what just start the battle.

Blaze- Arcanine, Time to strike!

Arcanine- CANINE

Dawn- Pacharisu, Spotlight!

Pacharisu- Risu!

Blaze- Arcanine, Let's finish this is one move. Extreme Speed!


Arcanine bolted for Pacharisu. It looked like it teleported when it appeared right in front of Pacharisu. The attack sent Pacharisu flying. Pacharisu has swirls in it eyes

Dawn- What?! How?!

Ash- Pacharisu is unable to battle. Blaze wins the match.

Dawn- Return

Blaze- Thanks Arcanine, return.

"You cheated!" Dawn shouted "How?!" Blaze retorted "It's obvious you drugged your Pokémon!"

"I did not!" Blaze shouted "Stop making false accusations!"      "I'm not making false accusations! It's the truth!" Dawn retorted. Then Dawn swiped blazes pokeballs for his belt and started to run. She was about to get into the forest, when I tripped her, took back the pokeballs and gave them to Blaze. Dawn then tried to punch me, but Blaze blocked it and uppercutted her. Dawn then gut punched Blaze and tried to kick him in the face, but Blaze did a backflip to dodge, then he punched her in the temple, kneed her in the stomach and uppercutted her, knocking her out. "Anybody else want to pick a fight?!"  Blaze shouted "You'll pay for that!" Serena shouted then he ran for him. I then grabbed her hand and flipped her on the ground. "Serena I just recorded the whole thing." Ash explained "Unless you want to go to jail, I suggest you back off and mind your own business! Am I clear?" I then waited for a reply, but she kept squirming. I let go of her and she tried to kick me, which resulted in me blocking the kick and flipping her on the ground...again. I then looked her dead in the eyes and I could see that she was scared, due to her aura being pink. " Last chance." I said in a very cold tune "Leave now or my friends will call the cops and I will hold you down until they arrive."

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