The Launch

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"I love you." I whispered one more time to my mom, she was going into space soon and as happy as I was for her I was nervous too, although I knew she would be okay, she always is.

"I love you, too." She replied, a small smile making its way onto her face.

"We want you to know how proud we are of you." My dad said looking at my mom with love as we all pulled away from the family hug.

"Hayley, look after your brother and sister,
I'm counting on you." Our mom said
Hayley laughed as I interrupted.

"Hey, I'll have you know I don't need looking after, I'm very mature", this encouraged many laughs to which I responded with a joking smirk.

"Don't worry, I think we'll remember to brush our teeth before we go to bed.
Right, Alex, Bea?" Haley reassures mom after noticing her concerned look as Alex lets out a deep breath.

"Sweetie, it's just a short trip around the moon." Mom tried to comfort him.

Laughs rang out before I said "But be careful, I heard the jet lag on the way back is awful", trying to hide my nervousness behind laughter.
"You four will always be here."mom said while gesturing to her heart.
"Ryan, it's time to go." One of moms colleagues said with a fond smile on his face .
Mom exhaled deeply turning towards him before Haley interrupted.
"Wait! I want a picture."
"Okay." Mom spoke out with a smile.
Haley quickly pulled out her phone as the five of us crammed into the small frame each with a smile on our faces.
"Bye." Mom breathed out quietly bringing Hayley, Alex and I into a hug while Hayley said
"I love you, Mom." Once more before mom pulled dad into a final hug and ventured off into the car.


Crowded into the lounge with lots of friends and family we watched the TV anchor speak about our mom. "41-year-old Ryan Woods is about to make history.
As a child, Ryan Woods fell in love with space exploration after discovering a million-year-old meteor.
She's now the first female astronaut to orbit the moon on the maiden voyage of the Athena spacecraft."
"Okay, when you see Mom, cheer really loud." Hayley said as she handed out American flags.
"and received her doctorate in physics at Caltech."
"My mom, the genius." I said while letting out a laugh over her achievements as everyone else joined in.
"You said it." Dad said looking back at me.
"Look! There she is!" Alex let out an excited shout pointing at the TV. We all cheered, as Hayley shouted "Go, Mom!".

A man on TV started the count down.
"T-minus ten" Alex shouted "Go, Ma!" Before everyone joined in on the count down.
"Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!" We all cheered as Hayley and I shouted "Go, Mom!". But then something happened, an explosion in the rocket. The man on TV spoke again.
"This is Mission Control, Houston.
What just happened? contingency, securing information The search and rescue teams have been mobilized in the Santa Barbara area".
"Alex?" I shouted as Hayley and I ran out after him. We all looked up at the sky and held onto each other as we cried.


It's a bit shit but will get better as the plot develops.

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